With Mid-Terms Coming What Existential Threat Will the Biden Admin No Longer Report?

by Skip

What is Biden going to avoid as we head toward the Midterm elections? You might guess inflation but that’s too obvious.

Is this worse?


Mid-terms are coming Biden Admin to no longer do some COVID reporting Instapundit


And if NH is going to follow along, how is WMUR EVER going to continue its WuFlu Panic Porn at every moment of the day and night possible?  Or will this be like their reporting on the January 6th “Insurrection” – to which they JUST started to call a “riot” right in line with the Democrat timeline?

No, this is all about prepping the political battlefield for the Party in Power. If there’s no bad news around, how can they be held responsible for it at the ballot box?

Nothing to see, here folks!  See, Biden solved the COVID problem just like his campaign promise said he would.

What, you say I’m wrong?  How can I be wrong when the Democrat-aligned MSM, like WMUR, says absolutely nothing at all about it?  Nary a mention!

The question is not if but when WMUR will get the message and start tamping down their reporting on this. Remember just a bit ago when they said that their chyron would no longer be reporting COVID Stats?  Now I’m waiting to see how long it will be before their “anchors” completely go to other stories and that 2-5 minutes per broadcast morph to something else.

(H/T: Instapundit)

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