I’m still shaking my head over this. Not only did I spend two hours getting up to Dartmouth, but I was told that the Andy Ngo event set up by Dartmouth College Republican VP Chloe Ezzo was canceled by the Dartmouth administration.
My role, as you know, was to bring our Livestream out of the COVID hiatus and broadcast the event at Chloe’s invitation.
I waited around for a couple of hours, and it turned out that the Administration had decided to cancel the physical event (Steve’s report here). I found out about the physical cancelation 10 minutes after I trekked up from the NH Lakes Region and had parked in the buildings back parking lot as I had called Chloe and asked “Where IS everyone”?
Such a look – using their Power Imbalance and just take control of a female’s event. Which had already been approved.
Jim Alberghini just muscled her aside from my standpoint – can that be called a case of toxic masculinity? Hey, when in Rome, speak “Roman.” On a Leftist campus, speak their language as well (they generally don’t like conservatives doing that but hey, we’re just playing by THEIR rules that THEY set, right?).
To skip a few steps here (which I’ll get to later), I was allowed to walk into the building (after a Dartmouth vehicle had hit my truck while parked in the parking lot but more on that later in another post – I was able to drive home – albeit quite slowly) where there was “Jim” – Jim Alberghini (a Logistics dude). More on my encounter with him also later. He promptly handed me the below “flyer” and told me that since the event was going to be virtual and thus “your live streaming services are no longer needed; you may leave now“:
Like I was a mere child to be herded out into the cold to play? It wasn’t just with me – as he was talking with others in the foyer, his tone and mannerism were similar to what was used on me – complete disdain, seemingly, for folks that were coming to participate in a Conservative event. Smarmy, Condescending, self-righteous; I could go on, but now that’s the Dartmouth public face I will remember. And, given the looks on the other folks, them too. “You may leave now.”
I wonder how many Conservative alumni donors will react to this? Do I even have to guess?
My response was, “what, I’m now supposed to join the meeting at 65 MPH going down the highway”? Even with that Chinese mask on, I could tell he was smiling (after two years of putting up with this, can’t we all?). Brushed off action complete, he waddled away back to the foyer to demand others leave as well (here’s another pic of him, presumably younger and much more fit – he’s turned into a stout little fellow, and I’m not talking about his physical appearance).
It turns out that a lot of folks in the front parking lot were also being handed this notice. Amongst them were Liz Gabert (“Live with Liz” conservative radio talker) and long-time Conservative Kathleen Labonte who had waited over two hours to find out from me that it was a no-go. They relayed that others in the front parking lot were also given the notice.
I dryly note: what, Dartmouth College (the hedge fund ($6 billion in endowment) that also passes out degrees) can’t afford a decent set of scissors nor a sharp paper cutter? Just had to rip’em in half? Or was that just how you viewed those coming to a conservative event on a far-Left College ?(re: disdain)?
The Dartmouth Administration, may I point out, also LIED to everyone that got this ripped piece of paper. Note that it has the Dartmouth College Republicans Facebook logo on it. I’ve been told that NONE of the DCRs knew about this flyer, didn’t know that the meeting was being handed a “fait accompli” – either do it our way or it’s NO way. It turned out that only 5 or 6 people were allowed into the “virtual meeting” room instead of the hundreds that were coming. Many, like myself, from hours away, were told “you aren’t wanted here.”
Such a GREAT look for Dartmouth! And this story is going to get told quite a bit because OTHER bloggers from OTHER sites were also supposed to be there and got turned away as well. I know them – we’re talking.
And I’m betting that Laura Ingraham of Fox News and former Editor of what was then the conservative Dartmouth Review would love this story – we’re working on that now as well as I type (we know people).
ALL because the Spineless bureaucrats (and, seemingly, Conservative hating and were just LOOKING for a reason to get this thing canceled) decided to take advantage and join forces with the Heckler’s Veto:
In the United States, a heckler’s veto is a situation in which a party who disagrees with a speaker’s message is able to unilaterally trigger events that result in the speaker being silenced.
In the legal sense, a heckler’s veto occurs when the speaker’s right is curtailed or restricted by the government in order to prevent a reacting party’s behavior. The common example is the termination of a speech or demonstration in the interest of maintaining the public peace based on the anticipated negative reaction of someone opposed to that speech or demonstration.
The term heckler’s veto was coined by University of Chicago professor of law Harry Kalven.[1][2] Colloquially, the concept is invoked in situations where hecklers or demonstrators silence a speaker without intervention of the law.
In this case, it wasn’t the Government but Dartmouth College. Antifa laid the trap by threatening Ngo’s life (which, as Steve pointed out, they’ve been doing for years) online (Reddit). Even with a heavy law enforcement presence, the bureaucrats couldn’t find it within themselves to man up and stand up against these kinds of threats.
I also observed that there were NONE of the Black Bloc folks anywhere to be found near the building – they didn’t have to be, and they COUNTED on Dartmouth caving in like a poorly printed diploma.
So I think that the Communications Department of Dartmouth is going to have a bunch of problems coming at them. Dartmouth ticked a LOT of folks off, including a lot of bloggers. So, VP Justin Anderson, what will your response be?
Remember, GraniteGrok’s reach is far larger online than even the Union Leader here in NH – and I have friends at the national level as well.