Breaking: Biden Admin Has to Change Tactics After Bailing On Its Employer Vaccine Mandate - Granite Grok

Breaking: Biden Admin Has to Change Tactics After Bailing On Its Employer Vaccine Mandate

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The Biden Administration has nixed its controversial Employer Vaccine mandate. The OSHA rule would have required businesses employing more than 100 workers to force an experimental pharmaceutical product into their employee’s veins.

That’s still a goal. A mission-critical one, which still begs the unanswered question, what’s the mission?

If the goal was to reduce the risk of transmission of infection, vaccination with mRNA injections has proven to be the least likely path to that end. But that’s not why they backed off.

Whoever is running the Biden Administration (WRBA) retracted the order because the US Supreme Court blocked their path to victory. But yanking the rule should not be seen as a loss but a retreat and a change in tactics. The goal remains the same.

Poison everyone, no matter how small.

OSHA is still planning to brew up a universal abuse of employee rights that mandates pharmaceutical interventions. But we’ve no idea how that will look and how long it will take. Until that time, OSHA – proving how unserious they are about this – is strongly recommending “vaccination of workers against the continuing dangers posed by COVID-19 in the workplace.”

Hello! Your juice increased infections. You got more positive cases, not fewer. Public Health can’t be the priority. But mission creep is. Can you imagine being at OSHA when the White House says we’d like you to find a way to make injecting people with drain cleaner a condition of employment under threat of federal intervention?

OSHA says, Yeah, baby! We’re on it.

They lost the first round. Barring new federal laws limiting their reach, they’ll keep trying. And Congress is not likely to be of much use.

Our best bet, for now, is to keep them from making it more likely and hope for the kind of wave election that gets you the opposite of mission creep. Administrative state cutbacks. As in Shrinking both departments and their reach.

