Abortion Facility Wants to Demoralize March for Life Participants With “Shout Your Abortion” Signs

The Equality Health Center abortion facility in Concord, NH organizes a counterprotest every year during the annual NH March for Life. The March for Life starts with a rally in front of the NH State House and proceeds down Main Street to Christ the King Parish past Equality Health Center where the peaceful pro-life marchers are greeted with jeering crowds holding signs with angry messages and loudly chanting pro-abortion slogans.

For the second year in the row, the Equality Health Center will have no protesters because of COVID. Instead this year, they have announced they will display “Shout Your Abortion“-style signs.

Due to the pandemic and new variant, we have decided to not to do an in-person counter-protest to ensure safety for everyone. We would like to display signs that proclaim having an abortion is nothing to be ashamed about. The signs will display the number of years since someone’s abortion and that they have NO REGRETS. For example, “41 YEARS AGO. NO REGRETS.- D.V.” We would like to either put the person’s initials or ‘anonymous’ if that is more comfortable for them. We feel this will make a STRONG impact to the anti-choice protestors walking by.

This will have a strong impact but not the one they desire. Many of those participating in the march have experienced the trauma of losing children to abortion and that is what motivated them to join the pro-life movement. They are working to protect others from going through the loss and grief they experienced.

Those signs will also be poignant reminders to the mothers whose lost children they represent as well as passersby about how abortion ended the lives of people that would be the same age as the numbers on the signs.


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