Update II – John Irish

by Skip

It has been a couple of days since I heard back from John’s long-term girlfriend and a number of people have been emailing me about John so I dashed off a quick email asking her how both she and John were doing.

Sidenote: yeah, I’m old school.  I’m ok, mostly, with “significant other.” Not so much with “partner” because it is both androgynous and too “politically correct for me.

 This was her reply:

John is slightly better than last week but his progress doesn’t continue moving forward. It keeps bouncing back and forth. It’s day 15 for the ventilator. He can reach a point where his lungs become dependent on the ventilator. Not good. I’m waiting for call back from a lawyer.

John is so far into this it will be much harder for the Ivermectin to work but he still needs it along with vitamin D3, zinc, Quercetin, vitamin C. All those life saving heavy hitters. That’s where the lawyer comes in. John cannot be moved while on the ventilator. That’s extremely dangerous.
So again folks, helpful suggestions on lawyers and such are greatly appreciated. Email me at Skip@GraniteGrok.com and I’ll forward them ASAP.
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