Try This One Easy Trick To Get Democrats To Love Gitmo!

The terrorist holding facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has long been a sore spot for the political Left. They don’t like the incarceration of anyone who might help them advance their pursuit of power.

Anything that unsettles the middle class pushes them out of their comfort zone if a win to the Left—legalizing criminal behavior, letting sexual predators into girls’ bathrooms, calling parents terrorists. Actual terror attacks by jihadis.

Camp Gitmo is a sore spot for them, and they rub it often, claiming it inflames the Arab street. And every chance they get, they let those terrorists out and set them loose on the world.

But Gitmo could become their new best friend.


Hardcore anti vaccine headlines


They are most certainly behind this proliferation of headlines, even in foreign lands. It sets a precedent and gives them purpose. Look, these other beautiful places are considering this solution to this other problem.

Sure, the problem is as fake as the solutions, but then it’s never been about any of that, so while Dems claim to be keen on prison reform, like all leftists, that’s a lie.

The reform facilitates chaos which leads to the revolution, resulting in the revelation that incarceration is, in fact, job one for the political Left.

Jailing dissidents, insurrectionists, you know, concerned parents, people who conscientiously object to vaccinations they don’t want or need. Rabble rousers. Wrong-thinking folk who just need a bit of rehabilitation.

Gitmo would be great for that.

Stay tuned.



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