So DEMOCRATS Gerrymandering Districts is OK? Or Still Bad? Ox vs the Gored?

by Skip

I couldn’t BEGIN to imagine how many bloggers have written about the Democrats who are complaining about Red States being a “Threat to Democracy” in redoing election maps when they themselves, at any opportunity, are doing the same thing.

With a vengeance.  Even against each other. A great example is this from Nevada where Dems control 3 of the 4 Congressional seats. The makeup is 1 solidly R district, 2 were more evenly split R to D, and one solid Democrat district. So, for all we are hearing here in NH about gerrymandering, the Democrats are not above doing it to help themselves:

Rep. Dina Titus is a Democrat who has held the seat in the state’s 1st congressional district since 2013. The 1st district is basically the city of Las Vegas while Nevada has three other congressional districts that cover the rest of the state. Currently only one of those districts, the 2nd, has a Republican representative.

However, last month Steve Sisolak, the Democratic governor of Nevada, signed into law a new redistricting map which completely changes the outline of the 1st congressional district. Five Thirty Eight describes the new map as an effort by Democrats to make two other districts more competitive for Dems.

On Nov. 16, the governor signed into law a new map — slightly amended from Democrats’ original proposal — that will “unpack” the solidly blue 1st District in an attempt to shore up Democratic prospects in two other seats, which they currently control but are competitive. The map features three seats that all favor Democrats by low single-digit margins and one seat that favors Republicans by double digits.

So, as the NH Dems are complaining about the EVIIIL Republicans trying to make CD1 a more Republican district, I dryly note that they are saying very little about CD2 becoming more Democrat leaning.

It’s all in who is in charge of a State: Nevada has the Dems and NH as Republicans. But this is really the only story I’ve seen where the Representative is flippin’ mad that her district is going to be a wee bit more competitive so as to help her fellow Demcrats. And no, I’m not going to repeat her language and ire here (Rule #1).  The only places in which this has been a consideration in “Democrat Lands” is in the States that lost seats because of the Census changes and that’s more of a “hey, it happens” kind of deal (although they are still scrambling as to what to do now that their district no longer exists).

So for all you NH Democrats, stop yer yammering. There are those of us that see the above and know that with your Party, it’s ALL about the Power and how to keep it. You’re just mad because YOU set the New Rules and now, the NH Repubs finally got smarter and decided to play by the same rules.


(H/T: HotAir)

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