Notable Quote - Environmentalism is Fascist Right From the Get-Go. - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – Environmentalism is Fascist Right From the Get-Go.


Ultimately, however, environmentalism is fascistic not because of its airy and obscure metaphysical assumptions about the existential plight of man. Rather, its most tangible fascistic ingredient is that it is an invaluable “crisis mechanism.”

Al Gore constantly insists that global warming is the defining crisis of our time. Skeptics are called traitors, Holocaust deniers, tools of the “carbon interests.” Alternately, progressive environmentalists cast themselves in the role of nurturing caregivers. When Gore appeared before Congress in early 2007, he proclaimed that the world has a “fever” and explained that when your baby has a fever you “take action.” You do whatever your doctor says. No time to debate, no room for argument. We must get “beyond politics.” In practical terms this means we must surrender to the global nanny state and create the sort of “economic dictatorship” progressives yearn for.

-Jonah Goldberg (Liberal Fascism)

And as I point out in my post “COVID Nazis Want To Rule Our Lives So Bad, *I* had to defend the School Board I’m suing,” they want it in this aspect of our lives. Economics, the same thing. Education, the same thing.

EVERYTHING is presented as “Crisis” and they are the only ones that have valid answers (again, because we who oppose them are “children” and don’t know better). It is this sense of Moral Superiority that drives them and gives them the chance to belittle us.

It also protects them against being challenged because, as I have personally experienced, they can’t debate once they have to go beyond the talking points. And then they insult us more and walk away, still thinking they are better than us.

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)
