COVID Nazis Want to Rule Our Lives So Bad, That *I* Had to Defend the School Board I’m Suing???? - Granite Grok

COVID Nazis Want to Rule Our Lives So Bad, That *I* Had to Defend the School Board I’m Suing????

Should the Government - Nope

Sheesh. Week ago Monday was the Gilford School Board meeting where they were going to revisit Masking on a District basis given the rise of infection in our local area. Both sides were well represented – certainly, I was on the side that it is the PARENTS’ decision even if the kids are “in the care” of the school system while on school grounds.

Meanwhile, the Maskophiles would have us not just wearing masks 24 hours a day, I bet they’d be mandating Hazard suits as well if they thought they could make that stick. Their running idea is that Individual Freedoms make no sense in situations like this as we “have to think of the common good, our social contract, and our obligations to each other”.

Balderdash!  They complain that all of this has become unnecessarily politicizied; the thought that never arrives in their oxygen starved state of being (heh!) is that they are the ones running to Government to make their demands stick. Isn’t that the epitome of making something “politicized”?  Yet, like true Leftists, that thought never graces their cerebellums.

The worst one that spoke was just about at the end of the meeting and I’ve abstracted out her rant as well as my retort to it:



BTW, not my cameras.  At the last minute, I decided to not bring them. So, consider this “Government produced video”.

I would call her the female version of Dr. Fauci and his brand of Faucism Fascism.  Or rather, the “Fascism of the Experts”. Yes, they are bright. Yes, they went to medical school. That doesn’t mean that their expertise is valid outside of their particular area of expertise (like famous actors or celebrities or other rich people, having attained the heights of their professions, believe that expertise immediately can cross over to politics/governance; it doesn’t).

Sure, they have the right to speak and I would defend Dr. Shawna Gautheir’s (sp?) to do so.  What I WON’T do is to allow her (or ANY of the other masked physicians that stood up to demand their expertise be made mandatory) to run our lives.  That’s not our governance model.

It IS, however, the Progressive model. Since the 1890s, they have pushed for the Administrative State model by which the Government is staffed with “technocrats” that have overwhelming expertise advantages over the rest of us, would make all of the major decisions for us, and we would simply live within the Societal Cage they have built for us.  They really do look believe that we are mere children that have to be told what to do:

  • NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.”
    NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D): “The role of government is to legislate behavior“
  • Former US Secretary of State, US Senator and First Lady Hillary Clinton: We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices…Government has to make those choices for people.
  • “We need to stop  worrying about the rights of the  individual and start worrying about what is best for society!” — Hillary Clinton, 1993
  • Hillary: “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
  • Hillary: I get really frustrated with people who don’t understand what I think it’s going to take to make our country great tomorrow just like we were yesterday.
  • Obama: In America we have  this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.
  • Michelle Obama: But when our kids spend so much of their time each day in school and when many kids get up to half their daily calories from school meals, its clear that we as a nation have a responsibility to meet as well.  We can’t just leave it up to the parents.
  • US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell: “The “new energy future” will require the federal government to encourage “the right kinds of behavior””
  • Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry (Ph.D, MSNBC hostess):“We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we’ve always had a private notion of children; your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of these are our children,”
  • Tom Percy (Secretary of Labor): Congrats to @oberlincollege grads today. Remember: Don’t let individualism trump community; move from a selfie culture to an #ussie culture.

There’s lots more at the link but I think that’s enough. These are condescending little pr…no, I can’t say what I should (that would violate Grokster Rule #1) that really have no use for us and definitely believe that we should have no agency of our own.  They HATE the idea that they can’t make us do what they want WHEN THEY WANT IT.

It is the genius of our Founding Fathers that they gave us a Representative form of Government.  All the doctors (and the Leftists monkeying their messages) believe that ANYTHING that harms the Collective should be not only abandoned but outright banned. And in this case, any one desiring to make decisions for them and their families that would impact that Collective that they hold to be sacred. And make no mistake, like Star Trek’s Borg, they want you assimilated, domesticated, and servile to their wishes.

Up your, Doc!

My take is that medical advice is just that – advice. Healthcare, while important, is NOT the only important aspects of our lives. We are “multi-domain” people – LOTS of stuff impacts our lives and we need to figure out what is chaff TO US and what is not. Ditto our representatives.

Yes, I am suing the Gilford School Board and I believe that, on the merits of protecting our Free Speech from their Government coerced speech relative to transgenders, I am right. And allowing staff to lie to Parents about their childrens’ transgender status (also a Constitutional issue), I’m right to be battling that as well.

Or we are all screwed.

That said – I do know that they are taking MULTIPLE aspects of not just what goes on in the classroom but what is happening in general. They are NOT ruling simply on COVID issues – and that IS what they are supposed to do and be.

So all the docs angry that the School Board isn’t listening to them and immediately genuflecting on their knees to you, too bad!  I have my disagreements with them, BIG ones, but it is still our system.  None of us need your medical Totalitarism.  We can listen but that doesn’t mean it has to be applied.  You docs have gotten too used to being the grand poohbahs in your own realms – WE are those poohbahs in our own families. A lesson you need to learn.

And stop with being the “emotional / ethics abusers” that uses the argument that “students will catch COVID and bring it home to Granny and Grandpa and kill them” as if it was actually true and a certainty.  It isn’t the latter but you are horrible people for even suggesting it.

Again, these Progressives believe you’re all idiots and believe such talk is fine – intended for we idiots to shiver in fear.

Sorry, that’s NOT your issue and it ISN’T the School Board’s responsibility to protect Granny and Gramps either. That’s a FAMILY decision and you should stay out of it. I face this decision every day – keep your noses on your faces and out of my business. And everyone else as well.

After two years of this, we know the risks and and the possible outcomes – it is OUR DECISION to make, NOT yours.

All aside to your right to Free Speech – it is MY Right to ignore you and fight you when you impinge on my decision making and personal self-governance.

Up Yours!
