Lawsuit Filed against NH’s Gov. Chris Sununu, Executive Council, and Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee

by Op-Ed

A lawsuit has been filed in Rockingham Superior Court, Docket # 218-2021-CV-01160, which states that the Governor, the Executive Council, and the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee have no Constitutional authority to accept and spend Federal Funds under color of law.

The first issue is that Governor Sununu has publicly stated that there is no meeting of the minds between himself and the Federal Government as to the terms and conditions of accepting federal aid in the form of grants.

The second issue is the Governor, the Executive Council, and the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee have no Constitutional authority to surrender the Sovereignty of the People in order to accept Federal Funds.

The third issue, the Governor, the Executive Council, and the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee have no Constitutional authority to subject the people of New Hampshire to laws and taxes which the Representative Body of the People, nor their Representative Body of the Legislature, have given their consent.

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The New Hampshire Supreme Court states in its opinion the aforesaid issues are indeed facts;

Opinion of the Justices, 118 N.H. at 15 (quoting Shapp v. Sloan, 367 A.2d 791, 797 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 1976)).

The Supreme Court stated that “[t]he legislature may take a variety of approaches to the structuring and spending of Federal Funds.” Id. at 15.

However, it went on to state that:

“Part II, Article 56, of the New Hampshire constitution provides that monies coming into the treasury shall not be disbursed by Governor and Council except as ‘agreeably to the acts and resolves of the general court.’” Id. “It is clear that the governor has no authority to draw his warrant upon the treasury in a particular case, unless there is some existing act or resolve of the legislature authorizing such payment.”

Id. (quoting Opinion of the Justices, 75 N.H. 624, 626 (1910)) (Emphasis added.)

The fourth issue; Governor Sununu, and the Executive Council have violated Part II, Article 56, in order to accept and spend Federal Funds (the exercise unconstitutional powers under color of law). Governor Sununu and Executive Council have violated the rights of the People by exercising the Power of the Legislature, thus depriving the People of their Rights under Part I, Article 30, to deliberate, speech or debate; the Right to assemble under the Bill of Rights, and further, they have deprived the People of their Rights protected by Part I, Article 32, the freedom of assembly with their legislative body, the Right instruct the representatives to obey the Constitution, the Right to remonstrate unconstitutional actions by them,

The fifth issue, Gov. Sununu has conspired with Attorney General Formella to weaponize the office of the Attorney General and the New Hampshire State Police to silence the People, to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate the citizens of this State who stand in the Sununu’s way.

It is about time this type of corruption ends. The encroachment by the Federal Government must stop, and state actors who are complicit must be held accountable. Please consider donating to this cause to defray the expenses to fight this corruption.

Daniel Richard
N.H. Committee of Safety



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