Vax Mandates Will Make Millions ‘Go Galt!’ (sort of) and Was that the Democrat’s Plan or a Huge Miscalculation?

by Auntie Vaquser

Airlines are blaming hundreds of flight cancellations on the weather, but it’s actually the climate. The Mandatory Vaccination climate. Pilots are walking away. Going, Galt (sort of), but it’s not just them. And you have to wonder if the Dems ever saw this coming?

Tens of thousands of necessary jobs will be vacated as a result. Some by force, others by choice. As Tyler Durden notes at Zero Hedge, “Things Aren’t Gonna Get Done” On An Absolutely Massive Scale” in 2022.

He’s right. Not a total collapse, perhaps, but a lot of roughness around the edges. Shortages, delays, inconveniences, yes.

Then there are the mountains of trash in large cities (followed by rats and disease once the weather warms up). More crimes will go uninvestigated. There will be fires that burn themselves out before they can be put out.

Crime, chaos, helplessness.

The Left’s urban plantation writ large. Not just in the inner cities but the outer ones as well. People in the Middle Class (a declining demographic under the Bidenistas, to be sure) could get hit hard. And while the truly rich won’t notice and truly the poor might say about time, it creates for the Democrat party a very large problem.

They’re in charge of everything at the Federal level, and in politics, the s**t rolls uphill, all the way to November 2022. And yeah, they’ve got the rich vote, but they can’t win without the middle class.

November 2022, a month when all the folks who’d gone Galt (sort of) prove they hadn’t really done that. They are not yet committed to abandoning America and rebuilding. They feel like there is still time to save it. And maybe it works, and maybe it doesn’t but guess how that’s likely to turn out for Democrats.

Democrats calling people who voted for a black woman from Jamaica white supremacists and racists. People that teach your children that they are guilty of original sin (if they are white), but there is no path to redemption.

They’ll be lucky if all they lose is elections.




  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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