Palate Cleanser - The Domino Robot (300 dominos at a whack) - Granite Grok

Palate Cleanser – The Domino Robot (300 dominos at a whack)

Dominator YouTube screenshot

OK, it still the Thanksgiving “weekend” and life can’t be all serious and political.  Thus, the Palate Cleaner posts are a bit more numerous lately.  This one is long but rather well done and it shows what a good piece of engineering can do to upset the status quo – especially when the Queen of Dominos is brought in as a demonstration.

I’m not going to say anymore but for me, it was fun to watch.

Especially when 10,000 dominos are knocked down at once.

But where was the “pick’em up robot”?????

(H/T: Mark Rober, who was listed on the right of the “Hot Wheels Treetop Express” as a recommendation)
