OSHA Wants Workplace Snitches to Help it Enforce the Biden Vaccine Mandate

While Employers with 100 or more employees decide who to fire to get down to 99, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is moving forward with plans to enforce its private business vaccine mandate.

OSHA openly admits that they will need snitches inside businesses to tell them if their employers follow the mandate. Call them whistleblowers or STASI informers; these are the people you’d wish you’d fired before the mandate begins.

Academic at this point, you say. True. A Federal Judge blocked enforcement until the court cases have their day. But Biden has suggested employers enforce it anyway. And they will try. And you will have rats on your ship.

OSHA will also, just spitballing here, use that as a reason to come in and look for any violation they can make stick even if the pain and suffering are no more than the process. Disruptions, paperwork, legal fees. That’s how tyrants get it done.

The mere threat of such intrusion might make you decide to enforce a Vax mandate even where one does not exist.

Not everyone will want to comply.

Some number of employees will leave, or you’ll have to fire them for noncompliance.

In the end, federal mandate or not, employers who impose a vaccine mandate will be forcing those who stay to do the work of those since gone.

Because of Bidinflation, they will likely be doing it for the same pay. This will, in turn, lead to more shedding of staff that move to employers who are also (likely) understaffed and paying better. To job creators less inclined toward vaccine tyranny.

They may even form their own schools, health care practices, or business to tap into the resources abandoned by the vaccine oligarchy at least until the feds start pressuring banks to lock down loans and credit for those who refuse to comply.

It’ll happen.

Welfare, food stamps, any free ride must inevitably meet the vaccine hammer and sickle. It’s the only good reason to create all those dependents. Remember, the Kool-Aid only “Works” if everyone drinks it.

Yes, even those untested illegals will have to line up, and that’s why they all get the free s**t. Easier to track them down.

And that all sucks but none of this is possible unless the Feds successfully build a permanent culture in which enforcement of unconstitutional edicts succeeds in its ability to convince Americans to rat each other out.

We already know they will; that’s how we got COVID Karens.


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