Sun-King Unhinged … Sununu Calls Governors Abbott and DeSantis “Communists” and “Un-American”

So the GOP Executive Councilors were NOT the only ones on the receiving end of Sun-King Sununu’s vitriol yesterday. I know that it has been a tough year for New Hampshire’s Sun-King. His precious poll numbers have been precipitously plummeting as more and more people grow more and more tired of maintaining an endless state of COVID-crisis.

Sununu has admitted that he is “discouraged.” But these comments, which were overshadowed by his attacks of the GOP Executive Councilors, are literally unhinged:

So … according to Chris I-Am-The-Constitution Sununu … Governor Abbott of Texas and Governor DeSantis of Florida are “un-American” “communists.”

Here is what Governor Abbott did that triggered the Sun-King:

Governor Greg Abbott today issued an executive order stating that no entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination by any individual, including an employee or consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19. 

There is nothing remotely un-American or communist about government regulating businesses to protect consumers and employees. While I believe regulation can go too far and in many, many cases does go too far … it sounds like the Sun-King pines for a return to the inhumane working conditions of the gilded age.

Presumably, Sun-King Sununu also considers Florida Governor Ron DeSantis an un-American communist:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proposed a law to shield all workers from being fired for not getting Covid-19 vaccines, a day after Texas Governor Greg Abbott banned private companies from mandating the shots.

The irony is that, between these three Governors, if anyone should be labelled an un-American communist, that distinction belongs to Sun-King Sununu.

Sun-King Sununu … under the pretext of protecting us from COVID … claimed the power to determine whether businesses and activities are essential or non-essential and to shut down the non-essential. For example, liquor stores (which provide tax revenue to the State) were allowed to remain open, while churches were closed. Doesn’t get more un-American and communist than that. He issued “stay-at-home” orders and later mask-mandates, which were the brainchildren of the Communist Chinese Party.

To be clear, I do not believe that Sun-King Sununu is a communist. He is a corporatist, who believes that freedom should be measured by how much power corporations wield.


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