Vaccine Deaths Reach 14,506* - Granite Grok

Vaccine Deaths Reach 14,506*

Jim Jones Fake Quote Kool Aid Meme

It has become a necessary public service to report these crucial facts missing from the daily media. First, many people have been harmed or died after receiving COVID19 vaccines.

That number should be on the front page of every newspaper and media website.

Second – in contrast to that, we (once again) offer state data on what this plague actually looks like in New Hampshire demographically using the state’s own statistics.

We will attempt to provide regular updates as the VAERS data changes and pull the latest state data at that time. (We do not include all reported harms, just those that seem to echo the COVID testing hospitalization and death data).

The VAERS data is national.


VAERS COVID19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction 9-3-2021
VAERS COVID19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction 9-3-2021

*We recognize that this number is an undercount. The real number is significantly higher but in this context, we are past absurd either way given the facts.

Next, we have the latest statistics based on positive cases of COVID in NH.

This table includes a breakdown of cases, hospitalization, and deaths as a percentage of the approximate state population group by age. A demographic picture of the danger presented by this “pathogen.”

For example, while the 80+ age group has the highest mortality rate (true of all Flus), only 7.38% of this age group state-wide has tested positive. Over 92% of those over 80 have never had a reported positive case of this virus.

Not exactly mask-up lockdown scary and even less when you look at the data for younger age groups.

This table is an accumulation of 559 days’ worth of state tracking.

NH Covid data 9-10-21

A bit easier to read…


NH Covid data chart 9-10-21 pt 2

One example: see that 20-39-year-olds have the highest positive test rate but little fear of complications or death (and only then, most likely, due to comorbidities like cancer or obesity and diabetes). Healthy folks have nothing to fear from the virus, but they do from the vaccine.

And yes, all deaths are tragic, but if that’s true, then what about the 14,506 dead from a vaccine they probably never needed? And there are several successful treatments for COVID19 that make mask mandates and especially vaccination unnecessary – certainly not mandatory.

The Biden Administration position is the opposite of science and contrary to public health, so in that vein (with props to the reader who sent me the pic and the suggested “quote”), we present an uncomfortable reality in our featured image.

This fake quote we are attributing to Jim Jones reveals a genuine problem. The mandatory vaccination mandate, be it by a public or private entity, given the facts provided us by the CDC and (in our case, the state of NH), tells us that such demands are not based on science but a cult.

Joe Biden is official Jim Jones, and the Democrat Party (and their followers)  are the Branch Covidians. And everyone has to “drink” their Kool-Aid®.


Note: Tweaked the meme text on the original featured image.
