Tell the Newfound School Board to Stop Requiring/Forcing the Students to Wear Masks

by Op-Ed

Hello SAU4 Voters (Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Danbury, Groton, Hebron, and New Hampton), tomorrow night, many concerned parents and voters will be asking the Newfound Area School Board to stop requiring/forcing the students to wear masks.

Masks should be optional for all and a guardian/parent’s choice.

And it would be great if everyone could show up at the Newfound Regional High School, 6 pm – you don’t have to speak unless you want to. You get 5 minutes and do not expect any response from the board or answers to your questions.

The other available option is to sign a petition by registered voters (minimum 50 voters, but we’d like to get 100 signatures) to call a District special meeting and have the entire district vote on the issue of making masks optional.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to

Right now, we are only looking for voters willing to sign, and hopefully, it will not come to calling the actual special meeting.

Thanks, and pass this around to anyone who is against forcing our kids to wear masks. Make a difference and stand with the kids. The kid/s I talked to HATE wearing them. We also need to stop making vaccines mandatory, but that is a fight for another day. John


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