Supreme Leader Biden “Honors” Jewish State with Prolonged “Moment of Silence” during PM’s Remarks

Auntie Vaquser

Supreme Leader Joseph R. Biden, Peace be Upon him, welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett into the inner sanctum last week. President Biden honored the Jewish State by lowering his head for several seconds in silent prayer and meditation during their conversation.

PM Naftali Bennett acknowledged this most remarkable kindness by continuing to speak, only stirring Supreme Leader Biden from his display of respect and gratitude after completing his remarks and thanking the President not once but twice, as is customary.


As you can see, Twitter has mistakenly flagged this “clip” as manipulated media, but that would diminish the meaning of this magnanimous gesture and is far from the truth.

Mr. Biden, by closing his eyes, lowering his head, and appearing to doze off, has imparted his greatest honor to Prime Minister Bennett and the Jewish State.

As proof of this, here is the entire engagement without interruption.


As you can see, the Supreme Leader does, in fact, engage in a “moment of silence” in honor of Isreal. Mr. Biden then, in keeping with custom, mumbles incoherently for several sedans before perking up and offering his closing remarks.

Supreme Leader Biden once again demonstrates America’s commitment to our allies with the amazing honor. I’m sure Secretary of State Blinken (and undersecretaries Winkin and Nod) would approve.



  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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