CRT – Ok, Conservative Lawmakers: Make It Happen! – Stack of Stuff Part 19 - Granite Grok

CRT – Ok, Conservative Lawmakers: Make It Happen! – Stack of Stuff Part 19

Critical Race Theory Equity All People are Racist

A growing number of Parents are in the fight at Education Ground Zero. School boards, superintendents, and the teacher’s unions have made it personal and quite clear: Parents, you don’t matter. Like other tyrants across history have said, “we have your children.”

Parents: “here, hold ma beer.” They are taking them all on across the nation.

Taxes and mortgages and socializing our economy under Obama gave rise to the TEA Party.

These local tyrants who hate the traditional values of America made it personal by saying “our kids are OURS, NOT yours!!!” But parents are winning Policy fights, they are making School Board members and Administrators cry. They are winning lawsuits to put these people in their places (as in “you work for us and NOT the other way around”) and expelling THEM from school.

But they need help. They need help from Legislators that understand that the Rules have got to change. They did that here in NH. HB2 made the teaching of “Divisive Concepts” on the order that White kids are racists and oppressors and Black/minority kids are victims without the help of White Progressives (how condescending is THAT!). Here’s one Law Professor letting Conservatives know how to get their heads into the game. As always, reformatting and emphasis is mine:

Cornell University law Professor William Jacobson’s recent speech to lawmakers attending an American Legislative Exchange Council meeting focused on how they can “save the nation” by fighting critical race theory curriculum. “I know you probably thought you were coming to a meeting to talk about educational policy, not how you’re going to save the nation. But I want to talk about how you can save the nation,” said Jacobson, whose Legal Insurrection Foundation runs

The five key takeaways are:

  • This is a marathon, not a sprint
  • Focus on the concept of equality
  • Ensure transparency in education
  • Zoom in on K-12
  • Be positive

Each bullet point has more after it. I’d highly suggest you go read the post (link above)! This next one affirms what many of us believe – the Left is throwing everything into taking control of our everyday language and doing so in schools.  Change the language, you control the debate and mandate mindsets:

New York University (NYU) law professor Richard Epstein slammed critical race theory (CRT) proponents on Monday, accusing them of seeking to “take over the curriculum” and ensure that “nobody who disagrees with them has a chance to speak,” adding that such conduct is “the essence of totalitarianism.”

Speaking with The Glenn Show host and Ivy League economics professor Glenn Loury, Epstein warned that CRT studies have “managed to organize” and have a “very powerful target,” before explaining how such studies operate. “What they do is they claim that the dominance lies with everybody else, and so, therefore, they’re entitled to use overt and powerful means to shut it down,” he said. Epstein, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and prominent legal thinker who researches and writes on a broad range of subjects, then illustrated how talking about racism as “institutional stuff” without specifics, is how the push for CRT studies succeeds. “In order to make this thing go, what you always have to do is to talk about racism as being institutional stuff,” he said.

“The moment you actually start to attack ‘Mr. Jones’ for being a racist, he will defend himself and will break it up —  so it’s everybody, meaning nobody,” he continued, “and so what you do is you essentially abuse these anonymous people, tell [people] they’re terrible, and then you say, ‘that’s the justification for us doing what we want.’”   He then warned that the real danger was not suggesting the public consider such theories, but the aim to “take over” schools.

Learn the alternatives and where to go for help!

The group that has come together to fight for American students to get a quality education, rather than a crash course in Marxist grievance doctrines, is called ‘1776 Unites’.

1776 Unites is a movement to shape the American future by drawing on the best of its past. Radically pragmatic and unapologetically patriotic, we hope to speak for Americans of all races, creeds, and political convictions who oppose the efforts to demoralize and demonize our country and its foundations from within, and to turn its people against one another with false

We acknowledge that racial discrimination exists — and work towards diminishing it. But we dissent from contemporary groupthink and rhetoric about race, class, and American history that defames our national heritage, divides our people, and instills helplessness among those who already hold within themselves the grit and resilience to better their lot in life.

They have no intentions of standing back and ceding ground to radical racists hellbent on hijacking our school systems.

We propose including in your schools’ offerings the Woodson Center’s 1776 Unites curricula, which map to Social Studies, English and Social/Emotional Learning standards. 1776 Unites offers authentic, motivating stories from American history that show what is best in our national character and what our freedom makes possible even in the most difficult circumstances.

And one more of a philosophical bent from one that was decades inside the bubble of the “Elites” and left:

Take a big step back. Observe what has happened in our discourse since around 2015. Forget CRT for a moment and ask yourself: is nothing going on here but Republican propaganda and guile? Can you not see that the Republicans may be acting, but they are also reacting — reacting against something that is right in front of our noses?

What is it? It is, I’d argue, the sudden, rapid, stunning shift in the belief system of the American elites. It has sent the whole society into a profound cultural dislocation. It is, in essence, an ongoing moral panic against the specter of “white supremacy,” which is now bizarrely regarded as an accurate description of the largest, freest, most successful multiracial democracy in human history.

We all know it’s happened. The elites, increasingly sequestered within one political party and one media monoculture, educated by colleges and private schools that have become hermetically sealed against any non-left dissent, have had a “social justice reckoning” these past few years. And they have been ideologically transformed, with countless cascading consequences.

…And that tells you about the will to power behind it. Liberalism leaves you alone. The successor ideology will never let go of you. Liberalism is only concerned with your actions. The successor ideology is concerned with your mind, your psyche, and the deepest recesses of your soul. Liberalism will let you do your job, and let you keep your politics private. S.I. will force you into a struggle session as a condition for employment.

….Look how far the left’s war on liberalism has gone.

Due process? If you’re a male on campus, gone. Privacy? Stripped away — by anonymous rape accusations, exposure of private emails, violence against people’s private homes, screaming at folks in restaurants, sordid exposés of sexual encounters, eagerly published by woke mags. Non-violence? Exceptions are available if you want to “punch a fascist.” Free speech? Only if you don’t mind being fired and ostracized as a righteous consequence. Free association? You’ve got to be kidding. Religious freedom? Illegitimate bigotry. Equality? Only group equity counts now, and individuals of the wrong identity can and must be discriminated against. Color-blindness? Another word for racism. Mercy? Not for oppressors. Intent? Irrelevant. Objectivity? A racist lie. Science? A manifestation of white supremacy. Biological sex? Replaced by socially constructed gender so that women have penises and men have periods. The rule of law? Not for migrants or looters. Borders? Racist. Viewpoint diversity? A form of violence against the oppressed…

We are going through the greatest radicalization of the elites since the 1960s. This isn’t coming from the ground up. It’s being imposed ruthlessly from above, marshaled with a fusillade of constant MSM propaganda, and its victims are often the poor and the black and the brown. It nearly lost the Democrats the last election.

Let’s just throw a “Mask” one in here, just to change it up a bit and also showing that one of these Elites claiming “SCIENCE!” could care less about the “SCIENCE!”

National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins on Tuesday indicated that the push to make America’s youngest students wear masks at school is more due to concerns over potential school closures, rather than based on data of COVID-19’s impact on children’s health. Collins weighed in on the debate over mask requirements in American schools during an interview with “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” When asked by host Hugh Hewitt about recent federal recommendations that children in kindergarten through 3rd grade should wear masks, Collins said that although young children getting COVID-19 is rare, unmasked students could cause COVID-19 outbreaks at schools, forcing their peers to return to remote learning.

… Hewitt, who was unimpressed with Collins’s use of the word “may,” notes that K–3 students are vulnerable to speech development problems that affect the rest of their lives if they can’t see people’s full faces. He then moved to ask whether there is data showing that kids in grade K-3 “are at greater risk of hospitalization or illness of serious sort from taking their mask off.”

Uh-oh…here it comes!

I wish we had that data,” Collins replied. “But Hugh, I don’t think you’re hearing me. It’s not just about that.”

“You’re worried about what goes on. But you just said there’s no data,” said Hewitt. “So you guys are guessing.”

Funny, I hear that a lot – no data.  And that’s why we have “PlanDemic” kicking around…and guess what ELSE is kicking around after 4 decades of the Civil Rights Movement:

Kila Posey told WSB-TV she met last year with the principal of Mary Lin Elementary School in Atlanta simply because she wanted her child with a teacher she thought would be a good fit. But Posey revealed stunning news she said she received from Principal Sharyn Briscoe, the station noted.

‘That’s not one of the black classes’

“She said that’s not one of the black classes, and I immediately said, ‘What does that mean?’ I was confused. I asked for more clarification,” Posey told WSB. “I was like, ‘We have those in the school?’ And she proceeded to say that, ‘Yes. I have decided that I’m going to place all of the black students in two classes.'”

That’s right. Segregated classrooms according to race. Black students in two classrooms with two teachers, and white students in six classrooms with six teachers, the station said

Did we have a SCOTUS cases that struck down “Equal but Separate”??? Hmmm, I guess this Black Principal wants to go back in time, yeah?  Did she institute separate bathrooms, doors, water bubblers too?  But this is what I’ve been finding out – The Education system here in America DOESN’T CARE IF IT IS LEGAL OR NOT! Constitution?  Who cares!  Federal Law? Doesn’t matter.  State Law? What’s that!  Parents, you want to protect your kids?  MAKE THEM FOLLOW THE LAW!

And get into those classrooms and ferret out all the crapola they’re putting in front of your kids! ‘Cause if it is happening “THERE”, it probably is happening in your “HERE” as well!

In the Francis Howell School District about 35 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri, teachers met in September 2020 to determine the curriculum the students would follow for the coming year. Advising them was equity consultant LaGarrett J. King, an associate professor of social studies education at the University of Missouri. In addition to discussing the curriculum, King tried to impress on the teachers the importance of teaching history the “right way.”

“This is not a safe space,” but rather a ‘racialized space,’” King said. “In many ways, a safe space is a space where white people tell us how not racist they are. And this is not that space.”

A video of the curriculum planning session surfaced on Rumble and was submitted by “wokeatfhsd,” who offered this description of the video.

Watch supporters of the proposed Black History course in the Francis Howell School District (in St Charles County, MO) present their sanitized sales pitches in public. Then go behind the scenes to see how Dr. King, their consultant (paid $15K by the district), sets them up to write a Critical Theory based history curriculum and hide it from parents. Finally, there are several minutes of questions asked by teachers and counselors in the district (answered by Dr. King) as they attempt to plan how to bypass parent concerns and hide the content of the curriculum in a push for social justice. This video is clipped from the full presentation for the sake of time, but the intent and meaning of speakers’ comments has not been changed.

A Sartell-St. Stephen School District student is speaking out after the school required grade-school children to take an equity survey. Some students didn’t understand some of the surveys questions, but were told by a teacher they couldn’t repeat the survey questions to their parents, according to a video uploaded by Alphanews. The survey asked questions that some students didn’t understand. Even after hearing an explanation from their teacher, some still couldn’t comprehend the survey questions. But a teacher told the students they couldn’t ask their parents for help, according to student Haylee Yasgar.

“My teacher said that I could not skip any questions even when I didn’t understand them. One question asked us what gender we identify with. I was very confused along with a lot of other classmates,” Yasgar said during Monday night’s meeting. She said students were told they could not “repeat any of the questions to our parents.”

So when your School District tells you they aren’t teaching CRT or any other euphemism they use to hide the goods, don’t trust them and don’t believe them! Again, this IS going on in your District:

King said “the first thing we have to understand is that our social studies and our history curriculum is political and racist,” and “there is no such thing as neutral history.” He then asked the team members to question whether they are developing black history curriculums through the historical lens of the oppressor. “We have made those who have oppressed people, the oppressor, we have humanized them,” he said. The nation’s founding “means nothing to black people,” he said, calling history “psychologically violent” but one-sided. He also seemed to justify violence in the name of racial justice.

“All of our wars was about freedom, violence,” King said. “But yet, when black people say, ‘Hey … we need to take over, man. We need to burn this place down, we need to do this, we need to do that.’ ‘Oh no, you should do non-violence to achieve freedom.’ It’s silly. It’s prejudice.”

Would you want this man developing curricula for your kids?

And yes, Woke Corporations are just as bad:

Rick said that in his division, the quality and effectiveness of the work they were doing took a back seat to identity politics. “It became our total motivation: hiring x number of female directors, and x number of black directors.”

There was one case in which the team had the budget to make a hire, and considered taking on a freelancer who had done superb work for them in the past, under budget. The problem: he was a white male. “Someone present in the hiring meeting said, ‘White people had it good for 400 years – it’s about time they felt the sting,’” says Rick. “None of the people leading the meeting said a word about that.”

There was another case in which a team was carrying out an expensive shoot in an environment in which a black actor hired for the shoot decided on the set that they didn’t want to subject themself to a minor inconvenience that was part of the contract. After the shoot ended, ACME offices were filled with lamentations over how racially insensitive ACME was to expect a black person to do something they didn’t want to do — even though the request was extremely minor, and the actor had signed on for it. As Rick put it, expecting a black actor to honor a professional commitment was considered intolerably racist by ACME staff.

…Media Matters’ Spencer Silva notes that today’s backlash against Critical Race Theory in communities all across America began with Breitbart News drawing attention to the doctrine, then a “little known academic study of systemic racism.” Critical Race Theory is a doctrine that claims all the political, social, and economic institutions of the United States are inherently racist because they were developed during a time when black people could be owned as slaves. According to Critical Race Theory, capitalism itself is racist, because black people could once be held as private property. Events like Emancipation and the Civil Rights movement merely obscure the persistence of white supremacy, the theory holds.

Before his untimely death in 2012, Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart had linked then-President Barack Obama with Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell, one of the founders of Critical Race Theory, whom Obama admired. Silva recalls: “As Joel Pollak, then-editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, would tell CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, ‘Derrick Bell is the Jeremiah Wright of academia. He passed away last year, but during his lifetime, he developed a theory called critical race theory which holds that the civil rights movement was a sham and that white supremacy is the order and it must be overthrown.’”
