A growing number of Parents are in the fight at Education Ground Zero. School boards, superintendents, and the teacher’s unions have made it personal and quite clear: Parents, you don’t matter. Like other tyrants across history have said, “we have your children.”
Articles tagged as
Thought control
“ze” “co” “thon”
It’s all about control If you want to control people’s thoughts where would you begin? Let me suggest a good way, perhaps not the only way but an effective way, maybe the best way to influence thought is to begin by controlling the use of words. Forced control of words is as unamerican as thinking … Read more
Mark Steyn on freedom of thought, political correctness, and the homosexual agenda
The very erudite and always witty Mark Steyn has a column up at National Review Online about how, when it comes to the homosexual agenda, you vill not be ahlowed to ignohr zee agenda! You vill oh-bey! Of course, some people are exempt, such as Al Sharpton, referring to “Greek homos,” or Islamic leaders urging that homosexuals be … Read more