Iceland has 77% Vaccination to Date and Record Numbers of COVID Infections

Iceland has the 6th most vaccinated population on planet earth. Lots of people there got The Jab™ and continue to get it. But for some mysterious unknown epidemiological reason, they currently have the highest case rate ever.

Over Seventy-One percent of the country of Iceland is vaccinated. Fully vaccinated.  Seventy-Seven percent have had at least one dose. And despite the magic bullet in a near-perfect environment (75% goal with at least one jab), they have more cases than before they had The Jab™!


Iceland Cases


Explain it? Well, the CDC has made it clear here in America that getting inoculated doesn’t mean you can skip wearing a mask. They are saying you need a mask.

Related: Anti Vaxx-Passport and COVID Policy Protests Continue Around the World — Under-Reported

People who have been Jabbed can carry the virus. They can transmit it. And, they are getting sick. They are ending up in hospitals with COVID. They are dying from it. They are dying from side effects.

And the plan is to Jab everyone.

But they won’t tell you about Iceland. They are spinning the news out of Israel.


Ask why?

Why does WMUR News 9 in NH have no news on their website about Isreal and the prevalence of illness and hospitalization of the vaccinated?

Why is it that the NH Union Leader has no stories online about Isreal and the prevalence of illness and hospitalization of the vaccinated?

I can’t find any.

And I didn’t look (Keene Sentinel, Concord Monitor, Portsmouth, Laconia, etc.), but what are the odds that this trend continues across the so-called watchdog media in New Hampshire or across the media in your state?

Iceland? No chance, so our job is to ask why.

If public health matters that much, where’s the truth? Why are you not asking Dr. Chan about these numbers? Masks don’t work, distancing does not work, and their vaccines don’t work, but we all need one?

And that’s not the biggest lie.

Without any of that, all but a few have nothing to fear from this stupid thing. That’s a big truth. Crunch your state’s data.  We did.


NH data covid19 after 51 weeks


We publish this information. We share the facts from states and nations, and that’s why you are here, so do your friends and family a favor and connect them to media that’s not afraid to ask these questions or report these stories.

Help them find alternative media and a path that will lead them to ask why the news they used to trust is ignoring these stories. They’re not even trying to spin them. Why?

They don’t even have to believe our take. Just get them to show up here, see what we’re sharing, and then ask why the rest of the media has no take.

Is this not, according to them, the most serious matter of our time?

Isn’t a nation with 77% vaccination and record covid cases news? Shouldn’t people consider that in the context of the course our politicians or employers have laid out for us know this?

The experimental vaccines have failed to create the benefits of herd immunity and at what cost? And does it make sense to continue on that path knowing what we know?

We don’t think so, and we’ll keep sharing those thoughts because the truly serious matter is that their solutions are a threat to public health—a bigger threat than COVID19 or the variants but they do not want anyone to know this.


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