BUMPED and UPDATED 0 8/14/21 – We’ve received more but I’m still looing for more volunteers to send in more School Board members whose terms are just about up – can YOU give us a hand, please? Thanks!
BUMPED and UPDATED – 8/1/21: Thanks to those who sent in School Board members at the end of their terms (after the jump). But we need more!
BUMPED: We’re looking for School Board seat warmers who are up for re-election. If we can get even a fraction of you that read GraniteGrok to help us out here, we can make this next step far easier than we could ever manage on our own. Can we count on you to help?
So here’s what we have as a start:
So, can we get more of you from around NH to do the same? It would be much appreciated!
Now! The wildly successful RevCon 2021, sponsored by the 603 Alliance this past Saturday, was put on for only ONE reason. The rise of number and intensity of NH-based activists due to the Left’s pushing and pushing and overloading upon everyone else on a range of issues.
That includes and was maybe even spearheaded by the teaching, and many times stealthily, of Critical Race Theory (and ALL of the euphemisms that teachers, teacher unions, school staffs, Superintendents, and School Boards are using to lie to say “No, we’re not teaching CRT” by “parsing their words” when you ask) to their children.
Related: Is the NH School Boards Association Violating State Law?
So, along with lots of other folks, we have a common goal: TO GET RID of School Board members whose terms are up at their next Town Meeting that either have actively supported this indoctrination or have passively agreed to this racist ideology.
We’re looking for names; we’re looking for SAU numbers / Towns; we’re looking for the ending year of their terms. Heck, send ALL of your School Board members to us.
You can write down five or so members. Or, send us a link or URL from your School District’s website? Like mine: SAU73.org, https://www.sau73.org/school_board
Gretchen Gandini Term 2019-2022, Karen Thurston 2019-2022, Jeanin Onos 2021-2024, Kyle Sanborn 2020-2023, Audra Kelly 2021-2024
Chair, Vice-Chair, and members.
See, that took me all of 3 minutes. It might take you a bit more time, but not much.
We’ll start to compile the stuff, so all of you know when and what to organize for just like voters all across the nation.
Critical Race Theory demands submission of everyone to its racism; we here in the Live Free or Die State must start to take a stand and start to electorally tar and feather those that “do CRT” and replace them with folks that value Liberty and Freedom than the shackles of skin color veiled as Power.
I know that Gretchen is one.
Oh, and come budget season and Town meeting?
Remember what entity your District pays THOUSANDS of dollars in tribute to create these policies; the NH School Board Association.
At your Town Meetings, vote to get rid of those dues. In fact, reroute whatever the amount is to your Special Education accounts (or anything else than to the NHSBA). Stop them from being the fountain that spews all things Anti-Parent.