The NHGOP and Dan Concannon

What should the NHGOP have done in response to Dan Concannon’s resignation?  Maybe … for starters … put him on the State Board of Education and give him a meaningful position in the State Department of Education?

Of course, neither of those things happened … and that is because the NHGOP is a soulless ghoul that is single-mindedly focused on cutting business taxes.

Instead, the response has been to ignore Concannon. For example, the NHGOP’s mouthpiece NH Journal actually pooh-poohs Concannon’s resignation:

NHJournal has previously reported on the training Concannon referenced, and the school district changed it from mandatory to voluntary after receiving inquiries about the materials.

Yeah, what’s the big deal about using taxpayer dollars to inculcate anti-White racism as long as you call it “voluntary”? These people … the “leaders” of the NHGOP have no soul and are political-idiots.

CRT, the invasion of illegal aliens across the southern border, the “intelligence community” spying on Americans, the FBI and DOJ criminalizing political protest … these are the issues that GOP voters care the most about … NOT business tax cuts. But the NHGOP does not really care what its voters care about because it has nothing but contempt for its voters.

What has Frank Edleblut, the supposed Commissioner of Education, done about the anti-White racism in Manchester? As far as I know … ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Drew Cline … the Chairman of the State Board of Education?  Again … as far as I know … ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  John Formella … our figurehead Attorney General?  The Sun King?

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE????? It is not OK to be inculcating anti-White racism because it is nominally “voluntary.” And does anyone really believe that someone who chooses not to attend will not be blacklisted?

By the way, don’t tell me that “Education Freedom Accounts” are the answer. CRT is everywhere. It is spreading in private schools. The answer is to fight. But fighting is the last thing the NH GOP does … except for its precious business tax cuts.

Let me close by quoting Tucker Carlson:

It wasn’t so long ago, that Daniel Concannon, and men and women like him, would have been considered heroes. He’s a man of conscience, who’s willing to sacrifice his own job to do the right thing. But he’s not considered a hero anymore. In fact, he’s effectively disappeared. You may not have heard his name until tonight. There aren’t a lot of Daniel Concannons out there, and that’s the point. The few that rise are muted so that no one will follow them. 


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