Online Survey – Tell The NH Dept of Education What You Think About CRT, Lockdowns, Masks

Below is a notice from the NHDOE inviting the parents to participate in a survey. The links don’t require any credentials to get to the survey, so you can all take a look and see what you think of the surveys.

I completed the first survey, k-12, and think it is an awesome opportunity for the Granite rok parents to tell their districts exactly what they think of CRT, the lockdowns, and masking our children. It is open until June 30. Have a great weekend.

We want to thank Anonymous for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE you would like
us to consider, please submit it to or

Good afternoon:

The following is being sent to you at the request of the New Hampshire Department of Education.

Dear Educators and Families,

The New Hampshire Department of Education wants to hear from you. The 603 Bright Futures Survey is an opportunity for you to have your voice heard. These surveys will gather actionable feedback around learning models, school climate, family and community engagement, and other topics in order to understand the successes and challenges of the recent school year and plan for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. We have partnered with Panorama Education to support us with the 603 Bright Futures Survey. If you have any questions about the survey program, please reach out to Panorama at support+nhdoe@panoramaed. com

The 603 Bright Futures Survey is also how schools will gather their Special Education Family data in support of the NHDOE’s federal reporting for Indicator 8. This year, all schools and families are eligible to participate. Please feel free to share the survey with your community.

The survey window runs from June 1 through June 30.

Survey Links

·         Families in K-12, Preschool, and Private Schools:
·         Staff in Public and Private Schools:
·         Community Members:

Thank you in advance for all of your hard work in supporting your staff, families, and communities. We are excited to hear feedback and continue our efforts in ensuring academic success for all New Hampshire students.


Christine Brennan

Press Release: Parents, Educators, and Community Members Asked to Share COVID Perspectives news/parents-educators-and- community-members-asked-share- covid-perspectives

Christine Brennan
Deputy Commissioner
NH Department of Education
Tel: 603.271.3494

Note: Shared Content may not necessarily reflect the views of

Editor: minor edits, removed email link tracking.

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