It’s Time to Take the Masks off of Our Kids


SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 – 8 PM Kingswood Arts Center. Pre-meeting for parents, concerned citizens, and taxpayers at 6 PM @29 Union Street, Wolfeboro (adjacent to Town Hall and Carpenter School).

Please join us to discuss and organize our ask of GWRSD School Board at this month’s meeting. It’s time to take the masks off of our kids and we need to stick together.

We want to thank Jessica Williams for this op-ed. If you have a Letter or other content
you want us to consider for publication, please submit it to Skip@GraniteGrok or

If you’ve been paying attention closely, the school board has approved inaccurate meeting minutes, allowed irregular meeting procedures in violation of NH law, and have abused their authority, forgetting their duty to our member towns, and most importantly, the best interests of our children.

Will you stand up for what’s lawful and right?

Will you stand up for our kids who never gave their consent to be abused by a politicized public body? When is enough, ENOUGH? Let’s talk amongst ourselves. See you there.


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  • Op-Ed accepts Letters to the Editor, Op-Eds, Press releases, and other content. If you would like us to consider yours for publication, please email  Submission does not guarantee publication.

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