Our Constitutional Republic has faced many challenges in its lifetime. Back and forth the pendulum swings between political leanings, many of which have tested our resolve. However, the challenges facing our Republic and specifically the “Live Free or Die” state right now, can’t be more serious in our lifetime and that of our children.
Many of our constituents are being swayed by the emotional rhetoric in the media that seems to be taking advantage of the public during this Covid 19 pandemic.
Many of us have sacrificed our liberties and freedoms for the good of public health until we could grasp the impact of what we were dealing with.
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Federal money flowing into the state, restrictions on public interaction at federal, state, and local levels have circulated confusion and concern, and restoring life in the Granite state to “normal” seemed questionable for a time. However, under our State Republican Leaders, the New Hampshire economy and health of our constituents have begun a quick and strong recovery.
Overreach from the federal government is threatening that recovery. In just about every aspect of our lives, federal overreach now threatens our homes, work, personal, professional, and family lives claiming Granite Staters need their help. As James Madison once wrote, “The powers delegated by the constitution to the federal government are few and defined.”
Therefore, The House Republican Alliance would like to acknowledge the exhaustive work that State House Representatives are doing to work helpful legislation into statute while protecting those freedoms given to us by God and the Constitution of New Hampshire and the United States. Their work should be recognized as thoughtful and complete for issues being dealt with now and that may arise in the future in our state.
Let New Hampshire serve as a beacon for the United States that freedom, health, and liberty can all exist under one canopy.
Let the Granite state know that its Republican representatives have faith in their decisions to live their best life. For it is our tenant of a Republic to represent not dictate.
The House Republican Alliance was established in 1997 and is the longest-running caucus in the NH House of Representatives. Its goal is to pass legislation consistent with the US and NH Constitutions, and that represents the core values of the state Republican platform and fiscal responsibility.
HRA TriChairs
HRA Press Release
Contact: Rep. Deb Hobson (603) 968-5417
May 17, 2021
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