Chess Rook Castle

In NH, The Legislative Body (You!) Runs the Show. Selectmen Have a Purpose. Let’s Take a Look at It

Windham residents and supporters are justifiably outraged at being conned by opponents of a genuine forensic audit of the Dominion machine counted ballots in the recent NH general Election.

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What If You Held An Election And Nobody Came?

I’d like to report to you the complete results from Merrimack’s Town Election yesterday, but I’m having one of those “If a tree falls in the forest…” moments. Neither the Union Leader nor the Nashua Telegraph had any mention of the event. It is as if it never happened.

Spoiled Brat Unions Don’t Want Parity – Again.

The measure states–if I understand it correctly–that if the union contract expires and has not been renewed, and no new contract is yet negotiated, those employees become at-will workers who can be treated (wait for it) like everyone else.

Kathleen Sullivan DiFruscia

You remember Tony DiFruscia? Lawyer, democrat, republican, independent, ex RINO NH House rep. Yeah that guy. Well his law partner and wife–wait until I tell you her name, is running for selectman in Windham.

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