Morgan Freeman, the talented actor, is laying down a challenge that if you think about it, is worth nothing at all. Zippo, nada, niet, nope, no. Just no.
He’s upset that there are some that are not willing to get The Jab (Wuflu vaccine). He’s ticked, upset, and angry. And lays down the most emphatic riposte he can think of at these folks:
“I don’t understand, to tell you the truth, anyone who has some issues with the idea of being vaccinated against this scourge,” Freeman continued. “The facts are in. We know that all of those dead people are dead, and why they’re dead. They didn’t get hit by trucks or anything. It was this pandemic.”
Therefore, Freeman added that he would “recommend highly” for people to “go get the freaking shots.”
“But if you don’t, it’s really up to you. Except that now I have to avoid you. And I will,” Freeman affirmed.
Well, ok then. No skin off my back if you were to avoid me.
Really, is he THAT full of himself that he believes that the vast majority of folks really even care about a full-of-himself celebrity whose claim to fame is to act like other people?
Why is it that celebrities think that their opinions are so highly valued that people actually listen to them as if they were gospel? And that if that they “withdrew their presence” from someone “of the masses,” it would make any difference at all?
That said, I CAN think of folks, still rather full-of-themselves, that I wish would avoid me.