Guinea Pigs

Scott Morefield has a great piece over at about the political theater. We’ve called it COVID Theater (and a few other things), but he refers to it as viral theater. It’s the same scam, centered on mandated mask-use as behavior modification or compliance testing.

Related: FEMA FAQ: Yes You Can Change a Death Certificate to Get Some COVID19 Funeral Reimbursement Money

If you’ve interacted in public, you are all familiar with the success of the experiment.

Masked children, outdoors, indoors, isolated, is one of the biggest offenses. Masked people alone in cars. COVID Karens giving you the side-eye as you ignore the obedience markers on the grocery store floor. You can hear the twigs snapping as eyes narrow. It’s one of the few demonstrably useful features of a mask mandate.

It’s harder to hear the bullish!t escaping their sockpuppet mouths.

And the lies. There are a lot of them. Flip-flops, untruths. Going to church is a superspreader event, but Wal-Mart, Lowes, and Home Depot are not even if the “church” is in a restaurant.

Nothing to see here; just move along, face covered, head down so you can see the direction and distancing decals on the floor.

One of the more deadly secrets of COVID19 is that obesity is a common “comorbidity” relating to COVID infections and deaths.

The same hyper-sensitive public health#Woke culture embraces overweight Americans, and that kills them. Excess weight and diabetes make you more susceptible to a complicated COVID infection.

Masking can also make you more susceptible, but they can’t report that either; it’s bad for the cult of the not-so-secret sheep and cattle society.

Does anyone wonder why states with mask mandates see springtime spikes while those without are not? Not like they do.

We’ve been writing about it for ten months.

The science, actual not behavioral (Scott’s point, read the piece), used to say that long-term masking of any sort was bad. Masks are ineffective against viruses, and quarantines, and lockdowns that don’t work. Oh, and hydroxychloroquine, a half-century old, cheap, accessible medication with millions of doses taken without issue, is a magic bullet, so someone needed it not to be that.

And so it came to pass.

Then you were then told wait until the vaccine, but vaccines don’t cure the flu; they never did. And they don’t sure this becasue it’s not about a virus.  And now that you’ve got the experimental jab, what changed?


Aside from corporate and political posturing about minor indulgences, if you get it, you can’t unmask, you still must distance, travel is still a nightmare, and all the protocols we’ve long proved are useless are still required.

The only difference is that they rushed an experimental drug, and you lined up for the human test trial, and yes, I think Trump should stop saying he helped make that happen.

The vaccine is no more useful than the mask unless the purpose is something other than public health.

And it is, it always was, and we won’t stop saying it.

But don’t believe us; read Scott’s piece, you’ll either nod your head a lot or get pissed. Maybe both.

Everyone else can curl up in denial with their mask, which makes it harder to suck your thumb, but somehow I think you’ll manage.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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