Connecticut Town Should Demand We Change the Name of “Lyme” Disease

Imagine if the town of Lyme, Connecticut, abruptly decided to protest the use of its name for the debilitating affliction we know as Lyme or Lyme disease? There’s not much chance of success. Why? Lyme (the town) isn’t run by Chinese Communists heavily invested in US Politicians and our media.

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I’ve never been there (Lyme, CT), but they tell me they have Lyme (the disease). We have Lyme here (a town and the disease). Lyme is all over the northeast, but Lyme, Connecticut, owns it. Why? Over fifty people with similar symptoms were all found to have the same thing back in 1975, and they lived in or around Lyme and whallah!

It was named like every other illness or virus except for that trendy recent one that was not first “discovered” in any country but China’s Wuhan province.

‘Lyme’ wasn’t discovered in the Middle East (MERS), Spain (that Flu). Or Lassa, or the Crimean-Congo, or Ebola (that’s a river, and Ebola should have been named Yambuku), or even Wuhan – and that’s a story if you’ve got the time.

Lyme was an ancient condition (without that name), but it got famous for Lyme, Connecticut, so it stuck like a tick and grew as fat as a grapefruit until forever.

That was back when it was okay to name things after the place where you “found” them, but what about now?

Is anyone concerned about a bunch of Connecticut suburbanites or how they’d feel then or years later about living in a town named after a debilitating disease like Lyme or vice versa?

They are in good company. This is a ‘problem’ they share with the Guniea Worm, West Nile, and German Measles.

How about Japanese Encephalitis, Legionnaires Diseases, or even the Norovirus, which has been found at the Puritan Backroom Restaurant in Manchester but originated in Norwalk, Ohio. The Backroom Virus has a much better ring to it and a lot more mystery. Is it a venereal disease or something that hitches a ride on your chicken tenders? Maybe both?

But not Wuhan, so why should Lyme have to bear the burden? Or the Rocky Mountains? They have a spotted fever tick, the fear of which sold a lot of cat and dog collars back in the day.

Lyme’s problem is that they don’t have the afore-mentioned power and influence (money and intimidation) of a large Communist regime that spent decades getting its fingers in everyone’s pies, from media to academia to politics, and now the Biden Presidency.

That’s the communist virus, and I bet they have it in Lyme, but when you say that people make faces and call you conspiratorial, which is amusing because it took an actual conspiracy to turn Wihan Flu into COVID19.

As for Lyme, maybe Connecticut could sell it to New Hampshire? We’ve got a Lyme (town of), and I bet our Department of Tourism could find a way to get people from Massachusetts (or perhaps even Connecticut) to drive up here for cheap booze, cigarettes, vaping supplies, legal online sports gambling, and Lyme, the town, or the disease.

May I suggest one of those Harz two-in-one collars just in case?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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