It’s been two weeks since our gripping first tick of ‘Autumn” report. And that was the only tick we’d picked off the dogo since spring and until…this weekend. The ticks are back, baby, and the season is on us. Full blown, practically overnight. And yes, this is weird, but it brought two songs to mind.
The First Tick of Fall
After very little thought, I renamed this recurring topic. My dog is still white and with us, but he is a lab, and since this is a pseudo-sciency observational update (fisking) sort of thing, LAB works. White Dog Research is now White Lab Research, and we just saw the first tick of Autumn.
My ‘Tick Season’ Numbers are a Lot Lower Than Last Year – Do I Blame Climate Change?
I was chatting with Skip about ticks (arachnids and Democrats), and he mentioned having a severe problem (in his yard) with the former. It got me thinking. Last year we had it bad where I live (Southern NH). This year – few to none.
Summer is Over: So, How’d That ‘Ticks All Year’ Thing Hold Up?
I am happy to say we have concluded our white dog summer research project. The object was to test a progressive premise established in May that “tick season” would be all year round ‘cuz, Climate change. The final results?
About that “Tick Season” All-Year-Round-Thing … Did you Mean Democrats?
Ticks are a problem. Yes, Democrats, but I’m also referring to the parasitic arachnids that cling to us and our pets. Back in the spring (when ticks are abundant), some experts predicted tick season all summer long which inspired us to do some research to test the theory.
White Dog Research Update: Despite “Warming” Tick Season Did Not Extend Into Summer
Back in May, I called BS on a ‘mental seed’ planted in the fertile minds of gullible readers by so-called “experts” on tick populations. By seed, I mean make a statement of opinion, surround it with the potential for facts, and let people believe it’s true.
Vermont Says Tick Season is All Year Now – Of Course it is, The Place is Run by Democrats
The headline at VT Digger is, in my amateur opinion – a bit misleading. “Officials say tick season is now all year,” Officials did say it, so it’s not on Digger, but I call BS. In Vermont, November, December, and January are inhospitable, even to ticks.
Connecticut Town Should Demand We Change the Name of “Lyme” Disease
Imagine if the town of Lyme, Connecticut, abruptly decided to protest the use of its name for the debilitating affliction we know as Lyme or Lyme disease? There’s not much chance of success. Why? Lyme (the town) isn’t run by Chinese Communists heavily invested in US Politicians and our media.