Aunt Jemima Joins Mia the Indian Maiden on the “Unemployment Line”

Two months ago to the day, we reported on a decision by Land-O-Lakes to drop Mia, the Indian Maiden from their packaging. The iconic image was deemed culturally insensitive. Today, the New York Times reports that PepsiCo, which owns Quaker Oats, is kicking Aunt Jemima to the curb.

Related: Land O Lakes “Terminates” Diversity-Hire: Says Goodbye to “Native American” on Company Logo

Aunt Jemima, the syrup and pancake mix brand, will change its name and image amid an ongoing backlash, with its parent company Quaker Oats acknowledging that the brand’s origins are “based on a racial stereotype.”

Given recent events, perhaps she should be replaced with an unmasked gang-banger wielding a Molotov cocktail? Or, how about one of the militant lesbian founders of Black Lives Matters, the cop-hating, anarchists pushing both political and cultural Marxism?

Black Syrup Matters!

How about Aunt Jamal, the transwoman atheist Social Justice Warrier?

Or maybe that garden gnome, Andru Volinsky, virtue-signaling with his culturally appropriate sign, shouting, “I’m gonna spend a lot more money and still lower your taxes!”

That’ll show someone, something, or whatever.


Meanwhile, black slaves are still bought and sold in Africa while triggered Liberal snowflakes in America are uppity over a cartoon image of an African American woman on a bottle of Maple-Flavored high-fructose corn syrup.

Minorities living on Democrat-run urban plantations are dying violently by the thousands annually many trapped in poverty and left defenseless by oppressive Democrat politicians elected by these triggered snowflakes. Wait, that’s not the problem, it’s Aunt Jemima. We’ll make that change happen, and then we can feel better about supporting the leftists looting their neighborhoods and burning down minority businesses.

I’m calling Quaker Oats about their systemic racism!

Hey, as long as you feel better, that’s all that matters.

And whatever you decide, PepsoCO, do not put an American Flag on the packaging. That will get your corporate offices burned to the ground by liberally-privileged toxic-white-radial-leftists triggered by the deeper meaning of the stars and stripes. You know the nation that has lifted more people of color out of poverty than any in human history. Yes, that place. The one these same Democrat Socialist hooligans want to turn into Detroit or Baltimore, or Minneapolis, from sea to rising sea.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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