Frederick Douglass vs The 1619 Project

by Skip

A free slave vs Black race-baiters:  one from our history who believed in the Constitution as being for all people vs someone that would rewrite our history simply to advance a race-based fiction (to which she has now admitted to doing).

Last year, The New York Times published “The 1619 Project,” an immensely ambitious, influential, and controversial reframing of American history. The project’s creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her work, argued that the U.S. Constitution was a “decidedly undemocratic” document and that “anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country.” This interpretation of the American founding has been the subject of a heated debate. The 1619 Project has also been adapted into a high school curriculum that attempts to “reframe U.S. history by marking the year when the first enslaved Africans arrived on Virginia soil as our nation’s foundational date.”

This view of the Constitution is at odds with that of Frederick Douglass, the escaped slave, abolitionist, author, and towering figure in American history. In his new book, A Glorious Liberty: Frederick Douglass and the Fight for an Antislavery Constitution, Reason Senior Editor Damon Root explicates Douglass’s classical liberal reading of the Constitution. Far from seeing it as a morally ambiguous document that sanctioned white supremacism, Douglass extolled it as “a glorious liberty document” that justified the ending of slavery and other forms of race- and gender-based inequality. Douglass’s message, says Root, is as vital to the current moment as it was in the 19th century.

Along with other outside entities besides The 1619 Project, there is a concerted effort to rewrite our history – which tells us what the Left’s real motives are. Their tactic is to psychologically and educationally indoctrinate your children – especially against YOUR beliefs. And if you think what I just said is untrue, go to your School Board and your children’s teachers and demand copies of EVERYTHING thing used in the classroom.

An example of this was when the Gilford School Board not only allowed a teacher to assign a book to freshman containing teen porn (Teen Porn peddled as “thematic value” by Gilford School Board – Part 1), they didn’t care that the teacher did not seek prior Parental notification.

And when the Parent complained to the GSB when his daughter brought it to his attention, they tried to stop him by having him arrested at the next month’s GSB meeting. They then, later, put in a rule that disallowed you, the voters, to seek redress from their elected officials (GrokSHOT! – Gilford School Board codifies the rule that prevents Parents from talking to the School Board).

The book was  “Nineteen Minutes”  by porn writer Jodi Picoult, as a class assignment WITHOUT prior notification (the school system passed it off as “an oversight”).

They believe the children are THEIRS and not yours. THEIR morality, not yours.

Will you let them do that?

(H/T: Reason via Instapundit)

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