Tulsi Gabbard Steps Up to Protect Women’s Sports

New Hampshire’s culturally moderate governor, Chris Sununu, signed into law a permission slip for boys to rob girls of their Title IX benefits. Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard wants to give it back.

Related: If Transatheletes Violate Title IX at the College Level NH’s SB263 Will Too

Gabbard, the only Democrat primary Candidate to allow us to interview her, is proposing,

The “Protect Women’s Sports Act,” co-sponsored by Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, blocks schools from receiving federal funding if they permit transgender males and females to play sports on teams with students of the opposite biological sex.

The decision to bring the transgender issue in front of Congress, Gabbard said, was directly related to “Title IX’s original intent which was based on the general biological distinction between men and women athletes based on sex.”

This already received some tenuous cover when “The Federal Dept. of education ruling that men competing against women (or as women) at Franklin Pierce University violates Title IX.” But it is a rule a Biden Administration would scrap. Nor will Gabbard find much support from Democrats or a Democrat President for such a move. And they will more than oppose it.

“Joe Biden said that on his first day of office, he will give transgender students access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity in federally funded schools,” a reporter told Schumer in early December. “Do you think he has the ability to do this and do you agree with his decision?”

In their minds, Title IX does not guarantee girls or women the benefits of sports, not anymore. So. I’m not sure what Gabbard thinks can be done. With a Democrat majority house getting it heard and out of the chamber seems daunting if not impossible. So, why do it?


I think it is probably more about drawing attention to the matter. Hey, this is a problem, and it’s real. Boys who train as hard as girls have significant physical advantages. If you don’t believe me ask the US Women’s Soccer Team. And it matters. Hey, it was more like a scrimmage. Sure, they lost 5-2 to High School boys. How do you think they’d fare against the men?

So badly they have their own women’s division. But for how much longer?

And is any of this enough to get to the Supreme Court?

A Biden blanket order will produce lawsuits and get it there much more quickly, though there may be suits in the pipeline about which I’ve not seen or heard. Dueling Circuit court rulings may be the fastest way to the top.

When and if it gets there, what does the court do? Congress can rewrite the law, and if it has the votes, it will, making a court challenge pointless. A majority conservative court isn’t going to reinvent the law if it has been retooled to meet the Left’s new standard for Title IX.

That anyone who wants to say they are a girl can compete against them and probably win. And if that’s the case, why would girls bother to train and compete at all?

The entire purpose of Title IX will have been uprooted and tossed on the trash heap of history, dreams, and aspirations for women-in-sport along with it.

She’s still too far left for my taste on just about every other issue, but I like the cut of Gabbard’s jib on Title IX. And she explains it rightly. A majority of girls can’t compete with boys at any level, all other factors being similar or the same. And that’s why Congres crafted Title IX.

Gabard is swimming upstream to save it, but you are guaranteed to miss 100% of the shots you never take so good for her. And good for New Hampshire if she or someone with a similar goal succeeds. It’s not about you being who you want to be this is about denying biological girls and women the chance to be more, and Democrats (Gabbard a few others excluded) could care less.

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