So, Dems want to emulate NH’s drive by voting in Georgia for the US Senate runoff races?

by Skip

We’re well aware, here in NH, of “drive by voting” whereby students at NH based colleges, paying out-of-state tuition (signifying their legal domiciles are elsewhere), vote in our local elections. Also, those Democrat “organizers” and temporary Democrat campaign staffs do the “end of campaign” celebration by sashaying up to the polls and vote and then head to the airport (or, this year, absentee vote-by-mail). Now, the Democrats want to do the same in Georgia en masse and they have until Dec 7 to pull it off (how appropriate a date; emphasis mine, reformatted):

Dems plot mass migration to Georgia to take advantage of runoff election

Democrats will likely need to win both of them to retake the majority for the first time since 2014. However, what appears to be a major loophole for potential voter fraud has created a strong likelihood that the balance of power in the US Senate will be decided not by current Georgia residents but by many new voters not in Georgia today.

Some Liberals, including journalists, are encouraging Democrats to move to red states like Georgia with the sole purpose of impacting future elections even suggesting that Michael Bloomberg should foot the bill.

By Georgia law, if no Senator passes a 50 percent threshold, a runoff election is held. As of the time of publishing, it looks as if neither Senator will cross that line. A Jan. 5, 2021 election will likely decide not just one, but two Senate seats. If they both go Democrat, it will be leader Schumer, with Vice President Kamala Harris, breaking any 50-50 tie. If they are split or both go Republican, its Leader McConnell.

It is extremely easy to establish residency and register to vote in Georgia and can be done in a week or two. All one needs to do is get an address such as a sublet, and then procure a utility bill which is as easy as printing one online or get a driver’s license in Georgia. Someone could work remotely from Athens, Atlanta or Savannah, print an online utility bill and file some paperwork to get their agenda cemented.

Eric Levitz deleted-tweet

…Voters or “residents” of Georgia don’t even need to come from within the state, and they certainly don’t have to stay past January 5th. In three short months, the January 5th turnout in the Georgia runoff election could greatly exceed the 7.2 million registered voters known in Georgia as of November.

If such voter registration activity in Georgia and elsewhere is not overseen or examined with greater scrutiny and trust, it will further undermine faith not just in Georgia but in the entire United States that our legislators are duly elected by a trustworthy process.

At what point is “the system” been sufficient gamed such that it is no longer a system at all? And how many people will just throw up their hands because Democrats will have ruined yet another formerly trustworthy system? At what point to Citizens no longer care because they see that their citizenship no longer matter?

And what do you expect would happen when that last question actually happens?

It’s oft been said that Progressives / Democrats / Socialists ruin every institution they touch and then infiltrate – our system of voting is no different. We’ve “tolerated” voter fraud for years here in NH because those we’ve put into positions of Power have ignored it or deliberately decided to not enforce the Law (a few “scapegoat” examples aside to “prove” they actually have any interest in the subject).

Broken Window Law enforcement – allow the little things to go by the boards and the problem keeps climbing up that ladder – and this is about as “top of the rung” as it gets: blatant, no hiding, very obvious. Manner, tactics, motive – all in the open.

Not everyone will proceed on this – but will enough? And then, what will happen?

America used to be a high trust country – and history has shown us what happens when such a country descends to low trust status in a hurry.

Yes, I’m worried – The Rule of Law only works when EVERYONE plays by the same rules and Honor is still a Value in play.

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