Biden and Harris Treatment of Catholics

Joe Biden continually betrays Catholics and his claim to the faith.  Joe Biden would force American Catholics to pay for abortions. He is sacrificing his Catholic values to kneel before the leftist mob. Let’s say it the way it is. Biden is a Catholic in name only.


Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris to be his running mate is no less troubling. It makes the Democratic ticket radically pro-abortion and anti-Catholic. Harris publicly treats membership in Catholic organizations as disqualifying for public office a position that is unconstitutional as well as bigoted.

  • Harris describes believing-Catholics as national security threats.
  • She targets Catholic journalists with political prosecutions.
  • Harris wants to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for abortion-causing drugs.
  • The VP nominee goes even beyond the party in her active hatred for the Catholic faith.

But if Catholicism is only a ritualistic way of affirming progressive pieties, Harris is its friend. She is happy to embrace Catholics as long as they ignore their church’s teachings. Oh, and of course, Catholics must bend the knee to the latest notions of diversity, inclusion, and equality. For her and Biden Leftist dogma trumps religion.

Harris’ position during the confirmation hearing of Brian Buescher is that he was unfit for service. In Buescher’s confirmation hearing Harris asked whether he knew the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic Fraternity group, “opposed a woman’s right to choose” and “opposed marriage equality?”

That sure sounds like a religious litmus test to me.


The Catholic Church, like Islam and other religious groups, opposes same-sex marriage and abortion. To treat membership in a Catholic organization as potentially disqualifying amounts to a religious test for public office. Her opposition to Buescher is because the K of C upholds Catholic beliefs.

Harris believes Catholics faithful to Christian teaching have no place in our politics. She wrote in 2019, “Russia was able to influence our election… because they figured out that racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and transphobia are America’s Achilles heel. These issues aren’t only civil rights — they’re also a matter of national security. We have to deal with that.”

With these words, Harris lumps believing Catholics in with anti-Semites. Harris is saying if you believe marriage is between a man and woman you might be a tool of our nation’s enemies. If you think boys should not be allowed to compete in girls’ sports you might be a tool of our nation’s enemies. This is bigotry. She is intolerant in the extreme.

Catholics should take Harris at her word. She has a history of bringing criminal charges against her political enemies. As attorney general of California, she prosecuted David Daleiden. Daleiden is a young Catholic investigative journalist. He is responsible for exposing some of the practices of Planned Parenthood.

Daleiden made it public Planned Parenthood was selling baby body parts. Harris gave approval for raiding Daleiden’s home as part of the prosecution. It was an unnecessary act of punishment and intimidation. Daleiden says he relies on “the church, the faith of the church, the ancient ritual of the church” during his ordeal.

Character is determined by action

Biden’s collaboration with Harris is shameful. But given his new found Leftism, it is not surprising. He does not directly question whether a member of the Knights of Columbus could serve as a judge. He has always gone along with the kind of people who do. ‘Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.’ Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Biden’s working-class background does not prevent him from shilling for credit card companies. It is not stopping him from supporting the outsourcing of American jobs. So too, his Catholic identity does not inspire him to oppose the evil of abortion.

Biden supports taxpayer funding of abortion. He says he would reject a Supreme Court ruling protecting nuns from violating their firmly held religious beliefs. He holds no such belief about birth control and abortifacients so they cannot be permitted to either. So conscience matters not at all to Joe Biden; perhaps because he does not have one. It also highlights his intolerance in support of bigotry.

The character displayed by Biden and Harris treatment of Catholics is instructive. To understand how self-defeating and misguided Catholic leftist politics has become look to Biden. Consider its most prominent representative. He invited the country’s leading anti-Catholic politician to be his running mate. Catholics who value their liberty need to work to keep Biden and Harris away from the White House.

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