Vote-By-Mail Ballot Request Form Has a Return Address That Does not Even Exist

Steve MacDonald

In the “people send us stuff’ category,” we introduce the following into evidence. It looks like an absentee ballot request form with the wrong town and zip code on it, which makes it a request with a return address that does not exist.

Related: Democrat Clerk Charged With Altering Nearly 200 Mail-In Ballots


Merrimack Absentee ballot - Return address


That means the request will (probably) never arrive nor will you get your ballot.

This happens to be for a ballot request in Merrimack.

Now, 6 Baboosic Lake Rd, Merrimack would be the perfect place to send that request. But not Durham, NH. There is no such address.

So, guess what? The NH Republican party mailed these, and it’s not just Merrimack. They all went out, all across the state, with the correct street address for each town but had the Durham NH town and zip.

Printing error?


The NHGOP said it became aware of the error but not until after they arrived in mailboxes. The party said another corrected mailer would be sent to voters.

NHGOP Chair Steve Stepanek released this statement acknowledging the mistake on Sunday after WMUR inquired about several examples of the mistaken address that were sent to the station and a reporter by voters.


The NHGOP is sending out corrected absentee ballot request cards to the same list, but no one is saying how much the mistake will cost. Mailers are not cheap, certainly not one that was (probably) this big. And two of them will cost twice as much unless the printer screwed up.

Whoever generated and cleaned the address list made some sort of massive merge error or, it hardly matters. COVID19 inspired Mail-In Voting has been a nightmare everywhere it’s been tried this year, and New Hampshire will be no different. The lesson here is to get off your ass and vote in person and bring some people with you.

The US Postal service has to handle all of these, a massive increase in volume, and epic opportunities for fraud, lost, late, or misplaced votes. Just suck it up and get to the polls, please. Vote in person. It is the only way to know your vote got counted.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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