Palate Cleanser: Teen Gets first Paycheck and Discovers "Taxes!"(Check Out his Reaction) - Granite Grok

Palate Cleanser: Teen Gets first Paycheck and Discovers “Taxes!”(Check Out his Reaction)


I really didn’t have all that much in taxes taken out on my first job – older than dirt, now. Still, I was a bit miffed that someone ELSE was getting a spiff off MY labor. MY LABOR.

Related: If True, This Will Make our Current Economy Look Rather Rosy

This, however, is PRICELESS! Good on Dad for not warning him ahead of time:

Yes, I got to laugh when the Oldest and the Youngest had the same reaction. New meaning to “Taxation is Theft“.

The thought just hit me, though: how many of those young kids, having just gone through the same experience, held onto the grudge about others taking their money long enough to actually do something about it?

On another note – taxes are necessary. We at GraniteGrok understand that we are all fallen, that a LIMITED government is necessary for an ordered society.

No, not a Government that orders everyone else around like we are starting to morph into – just ask Jan Schmidt, Deb Stevens, and a few other Socialists that CRAVE for the day they can order people around “for your own good!”

Just think of all of the Democrats that are DYING to just mandate that you wear a mask – that if they had the chance, there wouldn’t even be a heartbeat’s worth of time that they’d send out that demand and then be willing to serve up the fine right when that heartbeat finishes.

No, unfortunately, that young’un’s taxes go to a way larger Government that once it gets big enough to give you what you want, it attaches its “strings”, nudges, guidelines, regulations, ordinances, statutes…..and pays not a whit of attention to its Constitutional strictures.

Tax transformation from Berni to Ron

(H/T: Disrn)
