One of Disney’s Newest Animated Characters is a 14-Year-old Bisexual

A Dominican-American girl named Luz Nocera wants to be a witch, but she has a problem. She has no magic unless you count the magic of Disney. A Corporate monstrosity that might want to explain why they are (again?) advocating teen sexuality.

Related: The Left at U of Alabama is so Woke It Kicked the G out of LGBTQA-WTF?

Sorry, that’s a dumb question: money and the magic of #wokeness.

Luz is a cartoon bisexual, which means, um…will she be having sex? Is the story about sex? Is Disney advocating active sex lives for 14-year-olds? And not just sex but sex with whoever happens along. Are there magical abortions too?

That seems like obnoxious posturing to the identity politics totem, and that’s probably all it is. But it’s not meaningless or innocent.

Declaring yourself bisexual when you’ve never had sex and presumably (it’s a Disney Cartoon) never will seem ridiculous. But it comes with real-world consequences. If your a disgruntled tween muddling through the awkward years of early puberty, the new cool thing to do is announce you’ve landed somewhere on the spectrum.

Oohs, ahhs, you’re so brave. Well, not really. Attention starved awkwardness is now compounded by a brief moment of adoration followed by more of what you had before. The identity politics sugar high wears off, and you’re back in reality.

That can be a tough row to hoe if you thought it would widen your options only to discover you still can’t find a date. You are still an awkward dolty pre-teen or teen. It’s normal, but now it’s normal to declare yourself gay or bi or lesbian and then get mad when nothing gets better.

Maybe that’s why the rate of attempted suicides is so high among the young LGBT crowd. They are lured onto the spectrum, expecting some rainbow magic to change their awkward teenage misfortunes and fall flat.

Culture has glamorized it, and now Disney is profiting from it because “everyone wants to feel represented.” Perhaps the dumbest thing any #woke anything ever said. Huma nature and attraction are still what they are, and while it’s en vogue to say you can’t help who you love, that’s total and utter bulls**t.

But if we’re going to have to go down this road, and it seems we must, maybe Disney can find a way to guide kids into stable long-term relationships no matter with whom it happens to be. The one thing we need more than anything else is a culture that promotes long-term stable relationships—the sort of relationships that produces kids with two parents, you know, families.

Do I think traditional heterosexual families work best? I do. But some people really are attracted to their same-sex (or whatever). What consenting adults do does not concern me. But indoctrinating and over-sexualizing children do. Pumping them full of hormones or pushing them into dangerous surgeries has to stop.  And ignoring the threat it represents to their lives (increased risk of suicide) is a problem. A threat that goes down if they have married parents who set a good example.

Disney used to do a lot of that. Parents, families. Maybe they can find some room for more of it. The kids will thank us eventually.

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