Joe Says Me Too … No Hashtag

Joe Biden has not had a thought of his own since the first time he ran for President. And there were questions about it then. Now there are more strings on Biden than there are on Punch and Judy. (Puppets for those not old enough to remember…)


Doddering ole Uncle Joe is taking his policy cues from AOC and Bernie. Adding insult to the injury or lack of clarity of thought, Biden is vowing to stop the growth of the fossil fuel industry. This energy sector contributes millions of jobs. It keeps fuel prices affordable. It powers homes and businesses across the country.

Biden said, “No more, no new fracking… And, by the way, on the Recovery Act… I was able to make sure we invested $90 billion dollars … making sure we brought down the price of solar and wind that is lower than the price of coal…That’s why not another new coal plant will be built.”

Energy industry leaders have bemoaned this statement from Joe. Now that Harris has joined the Democrat ticket, the promise of further job destruction looms heavily.

Harris promises to ban the fracking industry altogether. That is an action which would devastate the American energy industry. It will, destroy jobs even more jobs, and cost trillions of dollars to accomplish. Biden has already met on the issues with labor unions. Suffice it to say they no longer trust “Union Joe” to support them and their members.

Backstabbing the unions

Jim Cassidy said, “Joe Biden is really one of us. I always loved the man… He scares me now. Is he embracing the new Green Deal or whatever they are calling it? He needs to get some stuff straight.”

They are attempting to cripple the energy industry. Biden and Harris chose to lean on outright lies about President Trump. POTUS has supported American manufacturing and energy since taking office. The economic results speak for themselves.

Biden and Harris are also ignoring the stunning, unprecedented job growth since the economic shutdown. In April America lost more than 20 million jobs. The country is recovering at a stunning rate under the Trump administration. Say what you will about Trump’s social graces. He has made the economy perform for everyone.

Voters know Harris and Biden are twisting the truth to placate their base. Bottom line Trump has added jobs and more jobs. American workers are much better off with a Trump presidency. All the pandemic has shown is the poor quality of Democrat decision making. That and the willingness of the party to hurt Americans to force their Marxist agenda down our throat.

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