Notable Quote – John Hinderaker

by Skip

…I don’t know about a landslide, but I too think the ground is shifting in Trump’s favor. In January, I thought he was a 99% lock for re-election on a record of peace and prosperity. Then the Wuhan virus came along, and state shutdowns devastated the economy. Next, while peace reigns abroad, left-wing rioters, looters and arsonists have destroyed it at home. But as usual, the Democrats can’t help themselves. They have gone much too far with absurd proposals to abolish the police, and with essentially insane attacks on white people–who, last time I looked, comprise two-thirds of the electorate. And I do think you have to get outside of D.C. to get a sense of the electorate’s mood.

The current environment reminds me of 1972, and a conversation I had then with a friend who was, like me at that time, on the left. The contest then was between Nixon and McGovern, and my friend said,

Nixon will win because he is for America, and McGovern is against America.

He and I didn’t see it that way, but we knew that was how the race was coming across to most voters. That is true in spades this year: McGovern was wrong about a lot of things, but he was a sincere patriot. Today’s Democrats, in contrast, really are against America. The country has slipped since 1972, but I still don’t think that hostility to one’s own country is a winning platform.

Watch for it: on November 4, it will once again be Republicans singing “Happy Days Are Here Again.”

Again, the enthusiasm gap – where is Biden pulling this kind of numbers? However, the old adage still holds true: Don’t get cocky. There’s a reason why the game is played no matter how good or bad teams look on paper. Trump won, in small part, because the Democrats DID get cocky and enveloped themselves into a bubble in which they COULDN’T lose.

They did.

(H/T: Powerline)

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