A Tale of Two Men… Judged only by “ the Content of their Character”

George Floyd has become a national martyr. But most people have never heard of David Dorn (and due to our poisonously biased media, the majority never will). Mr. Dorn was the retired, 77-year-old St. Louis police captain who was shot and killed by a group of six marauding thugs.

Related:  To the Left, Black Lives Don’t Matter – Unless They can Use them for Something Political

They broke into and looted the pawnshop he was defending in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Cell phone video footage originally streamed on Facebook-live, showed him bleeding out from a gunshot to the torso on the sidewalk outside Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry at 4123 Martin Luther King Drive in St. Louis at around 2:30 a.m.

Captain Dorn was married and the father of five children and was “Grandpa” to ten grandchildren. He had served 38 years in the St. Louis Police Department where he rose to the rank of precinct Captain. After his retirement in 2007, he took a job as the Chief of Police of Moline Acres, a small town in the northern part of St. Louis County. Even after devoting more than five decades of his life to police work, Captain Dorn was the type of productive soul who just could not sit still, even after his second retirement. So, at the tender age of 77, he had taken a job moonlighting as a security guard defending the Pawn Shop where he was killed.

Quotes from friends and fellow officers after his killing included: “Dorn had been passionate about helping young people” and “And mentoring young people as well. He tried to get them on the straight and narrow” and “He was very dedicated to youth, especially disadvantaged youth,” and “He wanted to see them succeed. He wanted to be a role model for those young men and women and encouraged them to go into law enforcement.”

George Floyd - Shrine for a career criminalGeorge Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police has set off nearly two weeks of protest, rioting, looting and murder all across America. Why should it not have? As extensively reported by ALL of our National media, Mr. Floyd “was a really good guy”. And anyone who would have tuned in to his memorial service a couple minutes after its start on Thursday afternoon probably would have thought that Rev. Al Sharpton had been eulogizing Jesus Christ himself!


The “objective truth” however is, as they say in politically correct circles, “a little more complicated” As It turns out, Mr. Floyd was a career criminal who was never married, but, somewhere along the way managed to father somewhere between two and five children (the authoritative number has been difficult to track down). His autopsy revealed that he had both fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, and “appeared to be drunk” and “not in control of himself” according to a transcript of the 911 call reported by the convenience store employee to whom he passed the fake $20 bill who then called the incident into the Police.

According to an extended expose published this week in the Daily Mail of London, England (and NO WHERE TO BE FOUND in ANY US media), Mr. Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 to make a “fresh start” after being released from a 5 year stint in a Texas prison for “aggravated assault with a deadly weapon” after he pled guilty to entering a pregnant woman’s home, putting a gun to her belly bump and threatening to kill both her and her baby as his other accomplices ransacked this woman’s home looking for money and drugs. According to his Harris County Texas rap sheet, Mr. Floyd also served at least four other in stints in Texas prisons, for crimes extending back to 1998 which included: Possession of a Controlled Substance with intent to distribute, and felony robbery (among many others).

So there you have it. Twelve days of Nationwide protest, riot, looting and murder over the killing of Mr. Floyd. But barely an acknowledgment of the indomitable spirit and incredibly noble life-energy of Captain David Dorn. I know that we are not supposed to “judge”. But I have a strong gut feeling that I know which one of these souls St. Peter will let in past the pearly gates. God speed and RIP Captain David Dorn! America just barely got to meet you. But we already miss you SO VERY MUCH!

Note: Captain Dorn’s family requests that anyone wishing to memorialize the life of their brave patriarch with a monetary contribution send it to: Captain David Dorn Memorial Fund.

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