Democrat Who Oversaw Fake Impeachment, Says Misinformation is Dangerous

Democrat creep, and serial liar Adam Schiff is making a fool of himself. He has announced on Twitter that false information is dangerous. I agree. Look at what it did to Democrat favorability during that faux-impeachment you performed at the ‘Hill Theater’ inside the Capitol building. It got Wrecked!

Related: Pelosi – ‘One Way or Another,’ Trump Will Not Be President in Ten Months

Mr. Trump was more popular after your work than before, so I’d say yeah – lying could be a problem. But the problem with liars is they can’t stop. To that end, Shifty-Schiff says he has sent letters to Big Digital. The point? Please remove any information on your portals with which I disagree!

Oh, specifically, misinformation about public health. And he doesn’t mean HIS misinformation.

Schiff letters to Big Digital about fake news

Wahhh! Wahhh! Wahhh!

That can only mean that Facebook, which killed our traffic over a fake claim that we published fake news, will be doing more of that. [Reminder: you can get the same content from us on GAB, Mindsand Codias.] Not that they ever stopped.

(Yes, we are on Twitter if you have not found us there yet. Grok Twitter can be found here, and this is my account. I update both, so, if you use the Twitter machine, please follow both and share when you can.)

But Schiff can’t help himself. He’s like the FBI in the Mike Flynn Case (not to mention Carter Page, Papadopoulos, and of course, the Trump thing). Keep making crap up and flinging it to the media to sell and hope something sticks.

If nothing sticks, then maybe it can cover up something they don’t want you to see because you are too stupid to work it out for yourself – any of it. And you probably know that now. They want you to stay locked in your homes and wait for them to send you a stipend. Don’t worry about anything else, they’ve got it covered.

Just keep your head in that sand. And for Government’s sake, don’t read anything we have not approved. You’ll know the difference. It will arrive in an email from or some other Democrat group. We can include the corporate media and Big Digital, which can do the Democrat’s censorship for them because they are “private” businesses that will leap through hoops to promote fake political narratives from the left while suppressing all others.

But they were already doing that, so Shiffty’s letters are just a more political theater.

Remember that solemn parade of House Democrats delivering the articles of impeachment to the Senate (with their embossed commemorative pens). They were doing that while Trump was getting ready to deal with Wuhan Flu.

And they think they are the adults in every room—what a joke.

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