Rich Girard Takes a Closer Look at New Hampshire’s COVID-19 Case Map

Girard at Large, the radio show (RIP) has been gone for a while. Rich had a parallel local access TV show by the same name that lived on until Manchester refused to let him in the studio. He’s no longer an elected official so no access during a lockdown. That has not stopped him.

Related:  Is NH DHHS Promoting CDC Guidelines that Falsely Inflate Reported Deaths from COVID-19?

Rich has taken the program to the home-studio level and continues to be at-Large thanks to YouTube.

In a recent episode, he took New Hampshire’s COVID-19 case map and the people offering up our jobs and lives in sacrifice to it, to the woodshed.

He walks through the map, county by county, pointing out over what we have allowed the State and the Governor to deny Granite Stater’s their livelihoods and their lifestyles. Take a look at his analysis and decide for yourselves.

The program is an hour-long but the part we’re referring to is in the first segment.

If you like what you see please subscribe to Richard’s YouTube channel.


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