Campaign Rhetoric or Sedition

Sedition is overt conduct tending toward insurrection against the established order. It includes things like speech and organization. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution. It also often includes incitement of discontent towards or resistance against established authority.

The President of the United States should be considered part of America’s established authority. What do you think, is this true?

Well if you agree with the definition above how do you view Speaker Pelosi’s recent interviews? She is suggesting a congressional investigation into his conduct will occur. The Speaker is employing words made famous during the Watergate hearings. She wants to know: What did the president know and when did he know it? This is in reference to the President’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Pelosi is accusing him of not working urgently enough to address the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so she is speaking in what only she would describe as a bipartisan way. Now it seems there isn’t enough of the people’s work for the Speaker to do. There is nothing she can think of that will help slow or stop the virus. There is nothing she can think of that will help the U.S. economy. No, instead she has to attack the president who is doing something while he works. That seems to me to fit the term sedition.

Talk show circuit

The Speaker has been on the network talk show circuit spewing her hateful rhetoric. She accuses the president of fiddling while people are dying… That is simply seditious. It should be dealt with as such. The Speaker says things like: we just have to take every precaution… Well, Madam Speaker, you are in a position to take action if you see things not getting done? Other than trying to stuff the Green New Deal into the coronavirus bill what exactly have you done? What have you done that is bipartisan?

The entirely feckless Republican Party is responding by noting the Democrats are impeachment obsessed. Well no. They are harming the nation. What they are doing is sedition. It isn’t that Pelosi is trying to turn a virus from Wuhan into Watergate. She is doing that. But the reason she is doing it is to subvert the U.S. Constitution and to damage the administration. That’s sedition.

Action timeline…

POTUS mobilized CDC. He created a coronavirus task force. The president stopped travel. What did the Speaker do? She and her cronies wasted our time on a Ukraine witch hunt. Jan. 31, Trump announced the ban of flights coming out of China into the United States. The Speaker and her Party objected.

POTUS actions made the U.S. one of the first nations to do so. It came 10 days after confirmation of the first American case of the virus. That same week he established a coronavirus task force to monitor the unfolding public health situation. What was the speaker doing to protect America? How was she making the effort bipartisan?

As the news coming out of China worsened, Pelosi and Schumer were busy. They were too busy pushing for additional witnesses and documents at an impeachment hearing.  Was that impeachment bipartisan? Did it even offer the accused due process or was it a political exercise from inception to try to subvert an election? Let’s just say some people were doing the people’s business and others were doing the party’s business.

How much is too much… Partisan politics… Governing…

You will have to decide whether you agree with describing her as a “sick puppy” and a “disgrace.” But she is indisputable that she is playing a political “game.” The level of animus has become palpable, personal and destructive of the public good. She was playing the impeachment game. She ended up looking like a bitter, vindictive fool.

Whether any of us would do somethings differently, the president has been in charge, taking action and getting results. The safety and well being of the American people has been his focus. America first necessarily means Americans. It is hard to understand why the campaign rhetoric cannot be separated from the business of governing. Is what the Speaker doing is campaign rhetoric or sedition. Sedition feels more and more correct each day. The President’s restraint is remarkable.

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