Wuhan Crematorium Operator Says They Are Working 24 Hours 7 Days a Week

We’ve already made the case that the  “official” number of infections and deaths in China from the novel Coronavirus are fake. If you’re looking for confirmation this might be it.

Related: Leak Suggests Infections and Deaths from Coronavirus in China Much Higher than Reported

The three Crematoriums in Wuhan City have been tasked with the business of dealing with deaths.

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, Wuhan’s Civil Affairs Bureau designated the Hankou Funeral Home to deal with the bodies of those who were diagnosed and died of the virus, according to state-run media. In addition, the Wuchang Funeral Home and Qingshan Funeral Home were designated to attend to those who died from severe pneumonia, or who were suspected coronavirus cases and died.

In other words, the Chinese government is not reporting the deaths attended by the latter two as coronavirus. Not that it matters. It appears they are not accurately reporting confirmed Coronavirus infections and deaths either.

A worker at a Wuhan crematorium said in a Feb. 4 interview that he and his colleagues have worked 24 hours, seven days a week since Jan. 28. He said they are exhausted, and are working without proper equipment such as body bags, protective suits, and face masks.

“Since Jan. 28, 90 percent of our employees are working 24/7 … we couldn’t go back home,” a man identified as Mr. Yun told the Chinese-language Epoch Times in a phone call. He works at the Caidian Funeral Home, one of four facilities in a suburban area of Wuhan.

“We really need more manpower,” he said.

But we already knew that or suspected. And I suppose the issue has become an internal one if they’ve shut down the country and put everyone on lockdown.

But is it? Locked down. Chinese will be fleeing, literally, for their lives. Some number of them could be infected. Neighboring states have closed their borders but that’s no guarantee.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands have probably died. Their end is immediate cremation. A mass grave of ashes awaits them while family there or abroad have no idea what has become of them. And the government is hiding their passing. Until when?

And will we never know the true cause?

We do know that across the world they are working on a cure. And that will be a good thing for the world but what of Wuhan, of China, and much of Southeast Asia?

| Epoch Times

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