One Day to the NH Primary – Biden Drops to 5th as Poll Shows Sanders Leading with 30%

President Trump is in Manchester tonight and the New Hampshire primary is tomorrow. The first contest with actual results (dig!). And with one day to go an Emerson Poll has Sanders in first at 30% and Biden in 5th with Only 10%.

Emerson Poll 2-2020

Warren has to be happy. She can say she’s polling ahead of Biden (dig!).

Klobuchar’s rise is interesting but not as much as Biden’s fall. And I have a theory. I related it over the weekend on our Live Stream Event at Radio Row in Manchester. 

Biden was the safe pick. As the safe pick, I felt certain HE could do or say anything and expect to keep the lead. He did that. And he held his ground. But Impeachment wore him down. All that media attention, brought on by many of the same establishment Democrats who thought he was the safe pick, kept Ukraine in the news.

Money changed hands. Checks were cashed. Like Pelosi ripping up the speech, it looks bad. Everyone else stood to gain and did, except Warren, who burned her own bridge by being the smarty pants with the plan. The plan that exposed her to serious questions about the scope and cost of her plans.

Her loss was Bernie’s gain. That additional stress put pressure on Biden and here we are, one day out and ever since Iowa the new safe pick is Mayor Pete. He’s not safe. The DNC appears to have muddled Iowa (after their epic failures) long enough to ensure Bernie was never declared the true winner. Because Buh-Bye Biden is no longer the safe pick. And Mayor Cheat is not Bernie.

And the DNC cannot have Bernie. But it’s not a done deal. As Drew Cline pointed out on Radio Row last night. Bernie got 60% of the vote in 2016. That could just be because New Hampshire voters could not stand Hillary. Meaning Career Politician Mayor Cheat could win New Hampshire.

We’ll find out tomorrow if Bernie still has his Granite State Magic. And Republicans, you need to vote too.

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