Climate Muppet Greta Thunberg Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The long since meaningless Nobel Prize for Peace (no credibility since at least Arafat got it) could go to Greta Thunberg, the Time Magazine Person of the Year.

Related: Eco-Darling Greta Thunberg Should Run as a Democrat for the New Hampshire House

According to The Associated Press, two lawmakers from Sweden, Jens Holm and Hakan Svenneling, announced they had nominated the teen on Monday, citing her climate activism.

The two lawmakers said the 17-year-old “has worked hard to make politicians open their eyes to the climate crisis,” adding that “action for reducing our emissions and complying with the Paris Agreement is therefore also an act of making peace,” the news agency reports.

As we’ve noted elsewhere the (now) 17-year old is simply regurgitating what her handlers feed her. What that has to do with world peace escapes me. But then, the Nobel Committee gave Obama one and the world was much less peaceful after his reign of global terror.

Stable nations were converted into failed terror states. The Rise of ISIS. The Failed Afghan Surge. Russian military expansionism into neighboring sovereign states. China’s unchallenged military build-up. Muslims murdering Christians across the Middle East and Africa. He was a real prize.

Thunberg is a prop. But then, so it the Nobel Peace Prize (and Obama); perhaps they all belong together.

| RedState

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