Proving that Progressives really don’t believe in “inclusion” – a perfect example #1

by Skip

The word “Inclusion” used to mean involving every on and every belief. As it was shown yesterday during the hearing of HB1251 (prohibiting biological males from being on biological girls teams), inclusion now has been weaponized by the Left in a rather appalling way – include US and our ideology but automatically EXCLUDE anyone that doesn’t bow to our ideology and agenda. Progressives have so twisted the word’s definition (a constant theme here at GraniteGrok) that it really means “only if you believe with us”; often the WAY it is used is as virtue-signaling in that it really EXCLUDES other beliefs. Yesterday, “inclusion” was strictly used in terms that transgender females (biologically males) should be allowed to do just that – and anyone that disagreed with them as well as the beliefs THEY hold should be absolutely excluded. And, for the most part, we saw the victimization process by “oppressing and excluding us”.

They want it both ways to get what they want.  I have video of some of the testimony coming through the next couple of days and I’ll comment on each.  When you watch the clips, you’ll see the differences in testimony styles:

  • The Right talked facts – biological differences between the sexes giving rise to differences in athletic results and that pitching boys onto girls teams HAS been disadvantaging biological girls; on average boys past puberty have more hemoglobin, fast twitch muscles, larger hearts, more muscle mass, longer legs, stronger, more athleticism, faster, and more endurance. Title IX, written to create “safe spaces” (to abscond with the Left’s language) for girls to have their own equivalent athletic teams,  was to be honored. Biological sex should not be trumped by feelings.
  • The Left talked about individual and emotional stories. They dismiss the arguments of the majority as just being uneducated and bigoted. They centered on “gender identity” (a function of the mind) versus the biological reality of post-puberty biological realities. They used the argument of emotion in which facts made little difference, they made the demands to be included AND affirmed (and if not, the nuance was that you are the Oppressor and they are the Oppressed and marginalized).  Title IX was to be totally dismissed,

Arguments: simple biology vs emotions. Must biological reality give way to a state of mind?  What really is to be decided is whether a new reality exists:

That Society is to believe that biological males automatically become the same as biological females simply on a male’s stating they are?

Is Society to be administered on the basis of an ever fluid sense of gender identity vs biological sex?

Reality vs Ideology?

And those are the terms, stated or not stated to the NH State Reps that made up the House Education Committee. These are the basis for them to decide upon. Do they have the Power to override biology? Do they have the Power to override the Federal Law of Title IX (which I remind you speaks ONLY about sex and not “gender identity”)?

Are they going to be today’s versions of King Canute in ordering the tides to come in and out? Or is it time for yet another instance of politicians putting on the Emperor’s New Clothing?

The House Democrats, I believe, will pass this onward to the Senate. The Senate Democrats will pass this on to Governor Sununu.

And what will he do? Will he override historical Societal norms that will continue to cause philosophical trouble for his supporters? He has the history of giving in to the Left’s Culture War agenda items; apparently he doesn’t care about Brietbart’s admonishment to the Right that Politics is downstream of Culture.

Change the Culture, you change the Politics. The Left has – why do most young Democrats believe in Socialism MORE than in our exceptional American values?  Why would he give the Overton Window another shove to the Left?

Note: yet another post in which I wanted to write about something else and wound up with this. It happens…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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