Gift Giving Bad for the Planet. Skip the Greeting Cards, and Don’t Wrap Presents

With Christmas just a few days away, we have some holiday giving guidance from the Sustainability Director at a top ten ranked University. Because that’s who’d you ask, right? No? Well, at least we now know why.

This advice comes fromCalandra Waters Lake, Director of Sustainability at the College of William & Mary.” Calandra Waters Lake?

Consider not actually purchasing a gift for someone in order to lessen your greenhouse gas emissions.

Remember that the reason for the gift is to show someone you care. So, is buying a gift the best way to do that?

Going out and doing something with the recipient to spend time with them may be a better option.

Like protesting other people’s free speech or burning Trump in effigy?

I’m a big fan of personal time and reflection, alone or with those you love – in addition to the other parts of the tradition. But the sustainability director, who probably gets paid “more” than the national average working family in the United States, is being minimalist to advance Marxist-environmentalism. The real goal is to get you used to less because when the Socialists stake over the economy, that’s what most of us will have, less.

I, naturally, have a better idea.

We are wasting massive amounts of resources on non-productive Social Justice degree programs. The Diversity and inclusion infrastructure are top-heavy with administrators and paper-pushers that needlessly exhaust valuable resources.

It would be more sustainable for the University (and better for the planet) to cut these positions and focus on productive occupations.  Think of all the greenhouse gas emissions you’d reduce every day? Take that workforce centered rhetoric and apply it to the university purpose. You could even convert the vacated office space to housing for productive people, the homeless, refugees, workers (documented and undocumented), or leave it empty and add years to the life of our precious earth.

Or, you could waste resources on a sustainability director (staff, office space, etc.) and do what Marxists always do. Consume to sustain the ruling class while demanding everyone else do with less until whatever passes for Christmas (Marxmas?) under your utopian dream is incapable of amounting to anything but hanging out in the dark, huddled together, to avoid freezing to death.

| College Fix

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