Negron Campaign Launches Broadside at Democrat Ann Kuster over Impeachment Circus

The political action in New Hampshire isn’t limited to busy-body leftists advertising how they will infringe on your income and your rights. Steve Negron’s Congressional Campaign has launched a broadside on Democrat incumbent Ann Kuster.

“The people of New Hampshire want the Democrats in Congress to stop wasting millions of dollars on yet another witch hunt,” Negron said. “Congresswoman Kuster should be representing the voices of New Hampshire citizens not that of Speaker Pelosi and the radical Democrats who want to unjustly overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election.”

We’ve noted on more than one occasion that the impeachment circus could prove problematic for Democrat Congressmembers Kuster and Pappas. Their victories were not unassailable. If this goes as well as the previous hoax-efforts to unseat the president, voter turnout could end their time inside the beltway.

And there was much rejoicing.

When Doing Nothing is More “Productive”

The House has wasted nearly three years, and short of partisan lawsuits to block progress and failed investigations based on political hoaxes they have nothing to show. Their entire majority agenda is focused on de-electing Donald Trump.

All while the economy booms and minority unemployment drops to historic lows. Knowing all too well that the Senate does not has votes even if the House does manage to cram a fake impeachment resolution through the chamber.

That’s if they even take an actual vote on a formal proceeding, which they’ve yet to do. Why? Because Pelosi knows that Kuster and Pappas might be in as much trouble as all the red state Dems who took seats in the 2018 blue wave. A tide that could suck them all back out to sea in 2020.

 Visit the online petition where you can support stopping the madness.

Here’s the radio ad.


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